18 Minutes of AI-Morphs with AI-Muzak (with and without a voiceover by Terence McKenna)

Jhave. August 13-16th, 2024

'Keyframe conditioning' allows for start and end frame to be designated.
AI interpolates between the forms.


In order to reduce carbon cost of production: nothing (except technical errors or blatant bias) is thrown away. Accepting the AI as a valid co-creator, an autonomous equal contributor. Setting aside ownership of aesthetic judgements. Trusting the machine, letting the algorithm lead.


On June 6th 1998, at the University of Santa Cruz, Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham and Rupert Sheldrake sat down for a Trialogue to talk about 'The Evolutionary Mind' book they had co-written.

Even though the vast speculative psychedelia shifts in consciousness predicted in the Trailogue seem distant, McKenna's meandering discussion of AI has enough clever prescience in it that I used it as voiceover.


The full Terence McKenna talk + trialogue can be seen on archive.org.


Note: there's a typo -- an extra 'r' in Terence's name -- in the credits.


Images: Dalle.3
Videos: Haiper.ai
Music: Suno.ai
Upscaling: Topaz.ai
Audio Remaster: Auphonic.com
Prompts: Jhave

Prompted: August 13-16th, 2024


Recently published: "Embodied AI: An Extended Data Definition",
Electronic Book Review, November 5, 2023

AI-Video + essay: "Hallucinations are (almost) all you Need",
Fundamental research in science is being transformed by a practice predominantly associated with the arts: namely hallucinations., February-May, 2024

Ongoing AI-research-bookmarks and occasional idea-thoughts: "AI Spring" (google doc of links). Same material is also sent onto Substack: "Xtending Digital Narrative" (Jhave's Ai links)


The digital poet,
formerly known as Jhave,
is formally employed
as an Ai-narrative researcher
at the Centre for Digital Narrative
from August 2023-26
on a team investigating
Extending Digital Narrative.

Archives [ Digital Poetry ]

All works and media on Glia.ca by David Jhave Johnston is licensed under