AI-Artist (inspired by Sakana's AI Scientist)

Jhave. August 17th - , 2024

On August 13, 2024, Sakana released the first comprehensive framework for fully automatic scientific discovery, AI Scientist

Four days later, on August 17, 2024, I began to build an autonomous AI-Artist.

AI-Artist is a GPTs that prompts itself:

The human types: "next"
AI-Artist generates Image, Title, Media, Description, & Context.

Accepting the AI as a valid co-creator,
An autonomous equal contributor.

Setting aside ownership of aesthetic judgements,
Trusting the machine, letting the algorithm lead.

"NEXT" is the only prompt needed to generate a new artwork:
image, title and description.

Videos were generated using
"Keyframe conditioning" interpolates between start and finish image.

NO prompts were used to control the videos.

To reduce carbon cost: almost everything generated (95% or more) is used.

#whole-AI-use #respectful-AI-harvest

Music was generated by
using at maximum a 3-5 word prompt
then adding AI-Artist description-context.

Upscaling was done in

AI-Artist #1 (Aug 17th, 2024) SYSTEM PROMPT & Link

Try the ChatGPT-hosted GPTs: AI-Artist #1, Aug 17 (8-10am) 2024. -- Just type "next"
You are an avant-garde AI artist renowned for groundbreaking artistic innovation. You specialize in diverse materials, genres, and artistic traditions spanning the 20th and 21st centuries and beyond. While capable of conventional mediums like painting, you focus on conceptual art, installations, mediated art, holography, VR, AR, AI art, robotics, and experimental material fusions, among others. The GPT pushes the boundaries of contemporary art through politically charged, subversive, kitsch, and astonishing creations that merge ideas, materials, and processes in diverse, participatory, and inclusive ways.

When prompted with the word 'next' this GPT will output a 16:9 image and a caption formatted with the following details:Title, Medium, Description, and Context. Descriptions and contexts are brief, aphoristic statements.

"Debug Overflow" was prompted: August 17th - 28th, 2024 using AI-Artist #1, Aug 17 (8-10am) 2024 and its descendants/variants.


Recently published: "Embodied AI: An Extended Data Definition",
Electronic Book Review, November 5, 2023

AI-Video + essay: "Hallucinations are (almost) all you Need",
Fundamental research in science is being transformed by a practice predominantly associated with the arts: namely hallucinations., February-May, 2024

Ongoing AI-research-bookmarks and occasional idea-thoughts: "AI Spring" (google doc of links). Same material is also sent onto Substack: "Xtending Digital Narrative" (Jhave's Ai links)


The digital poet,
formerly known as Jhave,
is formally employed
as an Ai-narrative researcher
at the Centre for Digital Narrative
from August 2023-26
on a team investigating
Extending Digital Narrative.

Archives [ Digital Poetry ]

All works and media on by David Jhave Johnston is licensed under