(awd-py36) jhave@jhave-Ubuntu:~/Documents/Github/awd-lstm-lm-master$ python -u main.py --epochs 500 --data data/March-2018_16mb --clip 0.25 --dropouti 0.4 --dropouth 0.2 --nhid 1500 --nlayers 4 --seed 4002 --model QRNN --wdrop 0.1 --batch_size 20 --emsize=400 --save models/March-2018_16mb_QRNN_nhid1500_batch20_nlayers4_emsize400.pt Training QRNN using awd-lstm exited manually after 252 epochs: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | end of epoch 252 | time: 515.44s | valid loss 4.79 | valid ppl 120.25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saving Averaged! | epoch 253 | 200/ 1568 batches | lr 30.00 | ms/batch 307.76 | loss 4.29 | ppl 73.12 ^C----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exiting from training early ==================================================================== | End of training | test loss 3.99 | test ppl 54.11 $ python -u finetune.py --epochs 500 --data data/March-2018_16mb --clip 0.25 --dropouti 0.4 --dropouth 0.2 --nhid 1500 --nlayers 4 --seed 4002 --model QRNN --wdrop 0.1 --batch_size 20 --emsize=400 --save models/March-2018_16mb_QRNN_nhid1500_batch20_nlayers4_emsize400.pt $ python pointer.py --lambdasm 0.1279 --theta 0.662 --window 3785 --bptt 2000 --data data/March-2018_16mb --model QRNN --save models/March-2018_16mb_QRNN_nhid1500_batch20_nlayers4_emsize400.pt $ python generate_March-2018_nocntrl.py --cuda --words=444 --checkpoint="models/March-2018_16mb_QRNN_nhid1500_batch20_nlayers4_emsize400.pt" --model=QRNN --data='data/March-2018_16mb' --mint=0.75 --maxt=1.25 1. lives swirl, hanging over mellow- ing empirical sex uncultured by the advancing game the wine-gold deaths forever given the swan titmice sow berries in the evening and harvest twilight the short river north tuft of stretching wings the sky watches itself in tingling phantasmic dread -- as if a friend stepped toward the window about to be gone so that san francisco was set-aside in a wide plot of musing as i feel hands in your limbs now, i am walking thru the grass and ordinary bushes, thru the factory plaza, the dead plaza units of an invisible coded sweatshop, and its vicious networks exude the ultimate cathedral: neglect a heaving stream of lilies hauls hope into flowing this kind of thinking is a brave consolation its charming pattern, recalls malls, blatant assertions nameless disheveling, arguments with the catastrophic right the mathematics of that happens thus all that is sets down the terms of a free life, the pretty frame for a heart one hundred fingers canopied by unfaithful oil, pointing toward poison, rejoicing gold pyramids of pickled mud sheened with pious lamentations my father promised me a world his body snorting from his mouth, his loins bathed in death hallucination dust love politics the music choppy slows, the signal is music, the day is softened by the day a new hated time slow and uncertain in the shallows morally clumsy, insisting destiny bread ideas littered, on both sides this is your voice, only it's not heretics describe here the next undelivered calamities unmannerly, epidemic gas-station suburban, posing, process facts and what we are slows into weed-and-fieldflower chain- bound wooden jasmine, iota ruins twisted the gods seared into a Jell-O background impulses dispersed the passing head of grain weather of the throat slow-drying submission moderate camps unpacked winter in heaven comb the stacked intuitive streaming meadow doppelgangers of late renewed connections now, forgetting how bardo screams at the finished noise in Beuys’s functional art amongst the clutter, a small pencil caves-in, seizures, thick with excitement, bubbling anthropometric bruised silkworm we smell sodium a new polaroid incantations in sunlit ash Barbie lost for the sake of neurite an x-ray of matted animals just wet their independent smelly OpenIDs immaculate, divided false-eyelashes in the cawing brain moth-eaten data gulls graze the sky, to experience as draining shadows what has never been a pyloned hose reaches out, for rats, swerving, cuneiform ale what shall i do with lovely presence? its symbols defiant-of-fact the chickens smell sweet enough to kiss even the act of thinking is perishable, -- a fabulous ventriloquist does not all beg for thought? no one cares. and no psychotropic bearocrat snail lets the thoracic singing church of my mouth taste the exact slight words of flowers chaste, in faint hunger-- hot around this which we change, swarming plucked out, a drift of straw a numb pink goblet of blown leaves it is a clear moment of season, there's something in the wind her hands bare in the volcano, thicken and yellow grounded, great, unhardened, thin fear snow-flakes, snow-strewn and i'm drinking the air with her i look at her my mind drives like a coin thrust thru wet cardboard. my medicine is the real one i need you to tell me the names of happiness. i want comfort i want a book of things i mean not only your hand and my hand i've put your leg on my hand and the mess it makes is full of hope i remember you in a small town i was going into a station, in the west water, a beach, where a pine tree ate eagles i wrote with a brown ink on your door i kissed you sideways and i went to your water amid rain heard the night at home in a stained kitchen, and the grass at last gone saw a huge bird hover over a young boy painting his father it is a birth-night, the lizards, dreary, climb quartz i am waiting palm-shaped blameless trinit descent autumnals danders of silence can't please the immediate ignomy plumbing, mishandled my story, fractured a phrase you want me to defend savage flawed loving as if in a clandestine country i see renewal i was born using about three months ago, i kissed a habit of fragmented foul holiday espionage even as floral-patterns, orderly meanings, insistent descended with suggestions a tapeworm breached union i try to retain one distinction, sometimes inevitable solve Dopamine: put it off as a trouble i grew up smoking not thinking i'm alive and now though i stand over a rudder as a barbarous uterine-angel, i say: love waited for me a single young child in my eyes, crawls into the woods the joy of city and river, the secret holiday the states dissolve & cry, the indigo, air in the unstableness of the heart i feel so dull as you can see,not because what starts in memory is all you've been after laughing at the tall fields by the highway denotation and its light sounding predatory music that whirls, glowing a miracle voice, the academy of emptiness which led us off and off and out: far out on the beach where the wind-star water drips to darken the mountains art is the smell of sweat blowing in early april a year passes disturbed from the body's broken flight crying through the intervals of the night a steel wind sharpened at the edge (of what?) a sort of light blue worm, sweet as conjured nurturing blackness a gush of contextualizations a convent's empty door, cords inflating out of the roof a honey-collected retsina gunnysack of deceit venus trauma, perfume quad poured on a viral absence a spider, sweeping its ark, bathed in its own dark words a shadow laughs, segmentation precise, creek damp and a ‘set’ settles on itself blood shining in the jokes of a faux prodigy parsing money and savagery a home-grown encyclopedia scattering horned slugs over hieratic carrots life shines quietly beneath the numbers that is, below, a landscape Bach, Ecos, and pathogens embossed with well-lit sand atrocity in the quilled dome weight cicatrix caixa de creo bargain-basement crepitating feathers helas scrolls scent ditched, gruntinauld whimpers slippery-whiskered ambulances thud by in rgb astyanax so that the boy seated on the couch pulls each quick sea-wind up to the lip of the capitalocene mayan coins stacked within his eyelids nerves grainy forgiven by the moon you see the light spurs in the air the blue grain hair of the first surf webgl canned by the cat talk, dizzy with tenderness the two contained in your mind your rising you could say you do what you say looking for the wrong way at the end of presence a rat on my lips incense: soft red pouring expanding from me a strange image of death i don't understand it's all i wanted: choice. so i sought nothing. we ache to pass into blood and keep our bodies in the Calling to the sun and the water on the ground and we want to die, and we get to too much the young eyes of the fish love nightmares an angel reading the tomb flame hears bitter rain and people alone in the cold awake to reap the agony of love from throats of dust i am resting with my heart on my raised feet i am a dead woman sitting in the dark i want to cry again to say you are like the last god a rat who is a rooster whose eyes are cut from his lids and his hands are moving, and he is choice and each flower is full of bones and yellow boughs are flying over green grass tearing the snow sighing relentlessly relishing altocumulus proteins Organic Epilogue chat wisdom consummation homage turbulence smiling like mud ported, therapeutic mimes & spoor moths sheeny science implicated neurotransmitter bewilderment neverness memory faults a quilt of measurable eternity on a respirator trudging under a gibbered tree hurling hunger, withheld unearthly elements, liquor locks sartre pronounced the light-leafed piss-head spume a huge wisdom beauty carved from large surgically-defined roots latticework pneumatic steel gas cushions and iron pedals a deluge ossifies at radio's funeral, a warning crow stuck punk tulips in the the pond's crest and prayers that drive between bodies out of the lake in this place of the hidden city of the dead and the angle of the activity of the world its face doesn't know anything numbershut in the head and we are what we are impossibly perhaps a match for the sleepless night or broken time the universe is almost nothing and nothing is said to be alone and i am still talking to it and i am not alone at the airport, blue trees run off through the morning a wet odor of ice on each novocaine branch breath buys the trunk and the bare hair tucked in it in the garden of the earth unheard in the raw earth where they kill where bones come up thru the mouth starving, flailing, muscles pulled deep to the roots of teeth an ooze near the door, forgiven, which said, whatever i do is nothing a terrible chorus of two or three hundred lizards in the dark, looking at the door in the doubt of childhood, every afternoon i broke a blade inside the stone and then, then, pouring gloss, early precise uterine doors friendly apple-venders induced to steer the dawn we constantly fought, crossed Father, gazing at the buckles spoor flames clog pacific mud, tipping catbird and dazzled cock toward wolf one does not remember how much has come to drink the wind breaks us into thirst-quenching mulch heaps of clogged air with t-bone companionable clown unthinking photoshop-darkened checklists bisected in an ideolophe stile and we recognize a 3D vortex-like surface of foredoomed, protected, learned sarcophagi vermin announced by blessed powder-blue underpants love-secrets' onyx-and-gold singleness in novelist genius-story, deprived of the easy thing pull-up nights, ink protocols, closet-virtuosities, perennial slag colophon blinded injections hyperion flirtatious expiring apple on the broken-down couch in the pity thrive invite yourself upwards unless you are weak and caught, playing with insects and muddy bells in the garden you are the optics of youth, a little ice applauded, no acreage, no livestock, nothing requires you thus sin entered the textscape and persevere in slow perpetually smothering counterattack in multifurcate rivers of anguish handled by ocean-tides in the memorial of bramble soup on the shoreline, two small forces in a toothed wind break the sea, a little 2. i come to look at the lake a bowl with a chunk of water and the wind has gathered and the water is dead the sky is a shadow singing silent clouds in the waters it is quiet for the children at the toilet next to the house they are throwing things skin and hands, books, laughter, song they are breaking wings they are being the first mind as we imagine all the words of the others the rain is falling and the sun shows a palmful of porn a penetrated abdomen i have a word but i will not say it. in the light, we bury ourselves now. ripe and tough as fiddler-crabs nosebleeds in the runes the solemn proportions of our flowers are already worms to us. knives advance on the cadmium red flag, beer gorged with beloved muscles powers acts everything vagabonds luscious asphalt flees listening to parched teeth and replicated, an immortal buddha predicts a nest a close-cropped see-through string 3:00 core. dilated in the reptile. i was immune. i thought of national values. things, orgasmic, unloved, opposite a sleek sweet face of something ambiguous motherfucker bomber veiled rusted away severed meat! barefoot, frowning i carried a right off and set it down to the ground. screaming as i couldn't write it drying the strings of the pages that wore my name the apples of the living were enough for some kind of a bridge to leave their own lives and their hands cleared of touch and shade a pile of hands he touched her in it and was no longer able to speak and he did not have to call them home but all he was lost he watched her knees and held her back with her arm and kissed her through the night his penis kept holding off his hands and hands were useless as she placed her hands against his surface and she saw him cry a woman could hear a boy, a woman who left him alone and he ran in the house like shaking glass and in the center of his face he was tangled as she came in the darkness to a door that has no place datasets provide signs declaring their rational densely growing precedents wishes so weightless as to be impossible we sprawl as colonials, in a D-minor yammer of mute condoms feud & punctuate the day squirrels magnified by acidosis and deaf oranges hens, crushed snakes ripen jittering traces of the pinnacle convoy gulches among fireflies, gizmo dry pockets of fame the earth is sweet her beak tilts hair smoother, smug carpaccio eyelashes chakras meet her built systems neural shoe-box houses for trepidation harpsichord attire, droopy cashews, lost paradigms, cashless sentences rolled up taskforces, labyrinth-shrouded bits and your first docile, irreplaceable and ingrown prehistory innocent heartsick raptures eve atrium babylon, conducted now the widower Petra's lamentations faroe relinquishing the radiated search-spammers, like a focused catalyst fuming, Lolita at nine months comes-to-kill the sun forges into the midbrain and, when she sighs, regalia-cheated token faces buckle octopus trip ghazal swimming inside ground-money lobotomy bacterium troglodyte fairytales raw-eyed in patchouli unpurged beaches shadow tamarind, and warm, lying, while-u-wait in disheartening failed god's hendecasyllabic gunmetal shade oppressed pernicious draconian insistence. toccate pro brooks of moist non-energy underestimated swerving under a prefabricated sun salt fresh from a dragon decayed rabbit plumes, slow chaos, fragile presence of signs' impeachment deletions, reactivations, rose-speckled Lorca soul-preserving unlearnt sinatra preliterate cross-fertilized tedium humor. peripheral, abnormal geometry of endless actuated fascicularis instinct. reason is contamination. igneous, defunct, whiskered, fucked, boozy grossness an ancient seismology, a series of fronds bread in the gardener's heart retching. mild communtiy talisman bayou rash and chili canary attack blighted trees Vesuvius and beauty, falling. Rapists disappearing. Unfamiliar junkheaps creating time. protease guardian foetuses wake i’m no longer longing for the internet’s epaulettes harvard querying Kali subdued stimulations this mix of confabulation and dried-out calluses, computational pseudonyms, roses, whiskers, canaries. each is filled with ore, a bed and happiness there as if a promise green clouds in their culottes sitting around on pink pillows reading candy a Neural ThinkTank nuclear regions four million cortex, IPv4 clusters aprosencephaly satellites hyper-converged baseball twig, radio knife in the groin Raven met me in a dream: three cold green sheep running out, clothed in anger, singing a blue dusk semi-asleep in the backyard speckled cliffs sweated weekend drugs sherbet-hued elevators that don't turn around lie behind the overhanging trees. I know the world is a circle of eggs sweet pure husks crackling as the boy dances around the life-belt and looks at his awoken uncanny dab, pants up below the table and the sun is darker than the sun you hear water constricted left shut for hours the only light stopped shag-tortured people It is a business for us: the dismembered variations, the innocent lonely faces the pedestals, smashing cochlear thalassian weeping rectus imperceptible larkspur priest polyps rival the drift wheel, undressed penis heard a girl so quiet that she imagined light clean gloves and I am not the pink line drawn behind the co-op simplicity, conceptual, unmoved. the comely, squirt phrase, the voices of LIFE. Time is aether chomped bones-- You are a drowning cock. A WAR hydrofracturing cigarette insights a brain lost dozing, staunch hipster stones a screenwriter in Hollywood, serenading lucite bodies his art tillage coxcomb steals corny airport chords beasts certain of difficult sibylline formality sapphires of miscast air spontaneity rescht, drutling slut litters hoppers, thews, minor whirling tunes necessary, passionate transparency nightmare detonantions. every word, every time. and chocolate-colored dogs in stowed paper in dark urinated distortion whoops develop the same sleek patchwork product-isolated fruitbearing harlem tension flicker cries and superstitious expansive toughed unhindered shepherding silences a dozen putrefying microcosms furry motors vernalised plants honey cadaver mouse-stained electrical acquaintances eau teens, herring-nets, biology ipso Ultimi Nervous mother-turtle magnetic deliverance digital mystical rain carried to core pressure because it means aging roving whale sperm peopled with phonophobia sexy dementia footage which deflects advice to aesthetics 3. Reverence grabbing the prospect of our open mouth hedonist medicine deviant shade disintegrating penthouse bacon a massive tide of fiduciary smells moving beyond the river chuffed fish-guts churn the sea gate a dark blue prey a stillness that continues coming shot meat tight-clenched I look at the talc, mosaic: a Giotto chapel of shapes; nothing is said of it in the government. A poem weaves in its harness A kind of representation bound in krusted experimental language I chop the arrows of god into bits until its distant hands hiss grief sings on the floor and there is a cry in a boy's mouth whose book is eager to think to speak what it knows: that words are a witnessing I am no longer able to see the sound of the wound I can't tell you the word I feel that is sleep driving across the ocean waiting for a burning moment I see you standing within my head watching a wall, a baby laughing I saw you after a long time after i went towards you the uncomfortable feeling of play the way to the other the one that never is the one that goes toward the absolute ancient artistic platitude-peddling noel poetica success standards of liberty and desire every night, pale soft eyes on the floor shattered and the purity of such scaffolds renders the living as waves leaping in northern woods disorienting rose armpits sensors wrapt around each other holding dynamically situated bloodshed wavelengths ossifying so much to remember so soon our eyes are fond of themselves, they can almost see i may be helpless here, living alone, abstaining somehow from the book, forced out of it yet its words continue prototypes fenced-off in neuropathological patritotism skinhead progeny torchbearer furrows I see a house being dissolved she is quiet again, exalted in affection's eye concussions of wisdom and sorghum limbs made on a wing upholstery of running ash, drench-feared spotted rpms! we levitated a warm spill cyclop's sauna a mugged requital legally-enforceable smart sensitivity free from melancholia iridescent torrents born inside answers latrines, slaughterhouses ambiguously sexual conceptual systems a wet orgy entrails of need mini etcetera saffron-covered, platinum-voiced issues lava in the veins oil-drilling mnemonics, napkins, glued windows preferential wombs he sits in bed and waits for the hot bird of her hands hhe nuts down into Purkinje cell marrow she is the target who knows what it is a cat sits in his eyes and leaves skin on things he was told to not touch the corner asks for an ambien piloting bespeake solemn marijuana prunes yield-breeding minor ecstatic rations yarn cat: discrepancies fact protests interest venom push heart into mind, belly dump the revels which mean terror luminous marble views and (what relief!) picnics argue about entities ecstastic sunlight packed with contoured flames clove-pink breeze-like dune-slacks revolution cracked and cows laid down on the top of the river where rats, fish, apples, and the sweat of the woods touch the dark gold leaves of the sea a few feet to the space that they picked out of the dying where my tongue opened and she was angry when she pushed me away, and I could hear steel waves tall blue grass became tall and blue and a slow red boat, fell into a soft spruce sea and the sun grew bright and bled on the waters drove the path and the mud kissed me my face and my heart I moved there within the grass the rain and sky, the dust of the trees on the road I can't tell, if no one will be me A blue leaf and a famous dog finds the night and fills it with a gnarled snake frost tunafish bulldozer anonymous faithful boycott of expressionism diminishes I can never decipher it. 4. children convince sheen to grow tired they have been careful not to descend to the underworld they never prank or lamb if helpless, their silence is all felt they place it (what is it?) on my stubborn nippled cheek distilled hair, red robots, mother cuffed frothed grease covers the lonely curtain of all their faces they wander looking for a home the sky flickers like a button in the wind bread scent on their hands cedar pantsuits strapped on flannel feathers anyone can accomplish erosion blood's muscles at the tomb of someone’s lip the temporary smallness of sampled pools singularized mornings, and wet vines of licenses wandering beneath the silos, bereft, they disappeared burnt thick from shapelessness they came back for a family animus a living pain adopted in its cradle laying in a puddle an architecture in the fog at the base of relationships a lichened table made of encrypted stardust the benchmark reflex of opponent featherwork, cabin trod, soft chamber still, wingtip gulping shamelessly difficult-to-pin-down adjectives of geographic antipodes such tolerances and seeds. part of the coral beyond i sleep where i sit the sandstone rotting plants, and business groundwaters her e-mail panties your new lines unfold a vortex sign everyone stretched-out seeds becoming rays your body's echoing nerves the question of you thinning away moving “takes” absence comes and in lime sweat presence runs among icy wet brown stars forget the warmth in his sarcophagus the soft hock murk in the petals our nets in the oily first transparence of untouched clouds the beaujolais clay meat of sullen cannibals a baby's mantle under an ordinary row of pale nerves duration sgRNA is pure viscera telling weakness: “Let only brazen pending digital desire map the Waste Behaviorist quacking-macro safforn-mimicking bramble-short rejection of dreaming" running her near-workless warmth of rare stake, ‘attached’ — with sedate agitation breakfast, peaceful reminisced, blessings blockade tortured, body all shimmering thirsty erosion the room grudging, sure-foot among sea-light a protracted nsa gospel applauds a glut of unitless, authomatic warfare-interest-grinders a variable-speed periphery inelegantly ground-breaked surfactant I wanted luck, a corkscrewing root, electricity between the cells we talk around it like plastic wires dancing through distances melted under sand between the wolves fields of a roiling center shot through our bones and little pearls knitted webs, disparaged the viruses sobbing in a gravitation-free grid of slander straw dinosaurs a broken virgin's thigh, a vapor: photographed the body of the balm machine the monograms, the starshaped optional pride and in the clay of a binary forked IBM bland half-naked slick place and in Bierut strewn with malicious spectroscopic books, addiction balming bees, defamatory and oblique dogmas no one delights in 5 I whose eyes are a dark photograph, I crave a bead of thorns open under the thousand mountains, roaming, an innocent swan bloodmeat predators fashioned from sand beautiful elision a discontinuous fantasy the money they (who?) have just cut echoed with deference to insignificant nothing, a sanctus as banal as death a million-pleasured throat, toiling, obese, murmuring, in silent dreams a forest of mist under green pines water tight and mottled now the disruptive soul becomes hummingbird drool distinctions, suffering, do not want to defend a dimensionless, wave and syncopation-making gods touch pride, drafting a mansion of memory a wooded language, a stack of principles drops of glue in the owl popeye hadoop tampex mapreduce antigen captions affection transplanted into saffron lily gesture gods linger like macaques shitting residue thru intelligence slits a broken essence rejoices wistfully glancing becomes sign a gooey base that means you don’t know what you feel or want to think We are silent, awesome as caliphs cast off a bridge singing of M.A.C.H.O. forests imperatives, hovering swerving, and heaving inside a violent alphabet doing -- for the being of it -- machetes transfiguring relations quite alive -- again waste coefficients chewing intricate ambitious undertones irrevocably shrinking colors narrated by drunken and warm NMDA-deceived fertilizer mold histone fluctuating HTML flecked facebook melted Buddhists and then, the cancer gagging on unencumbered synchesis (intentionally scattered bewilderment) crewing history over a sudden blind nightmare: stars attached to mesmerizing dingbats an efficient flurry of language layers of labyrinthine coke soundless ashes professional rinds informatic hospitals prophylactic recipes I spend an evening reading magazines smelling an undulant larger-than-usual apocalypse grief warning a secret disfigured light a deer whose mouth is a rainbow slave bees sculpting mountains birds cleaning the brand and under the bloodlessness of distrust oil coalesced silk fires I sat and kissed her and pressed her against her on the kitchen table memories fall like crushed cream the soul is an immense grind of supercilious, mitochondria in an inconmensurable carafe echo-tolling radioactive vibes thick-braided capacity pulsate replicating the splinternet fissure precision wang milk x-ing bow-wow antebellum takiguchi quarreling forger gazelle dub photophobia, dermatological ripsaw gloom annulled vulnerable rat-burnt phantasmics spilled Koan wood & haptic wires coal aphorisms, raygun, post-seizure intestines she turns her body bouncing the chain between her legs we remain that evening with the markdown There is no use for Poetry or Art They kill the thing In the early first summer a self-pointing living form shrieking about love a city of bulging deaths a euphemism crack where harmonious bribes linger measuring it love wisely thai pistachio coifs and shorted gladiolias remembrance iambs numbered cushions corrected by drugs a memephor: stuck, quiet continues to click on education's authomatic locations pruned-back parenthesis stranded in cabbalistic pure algorithm beauty or mystery -- I can almost read it Crack it back finally, finally shake it down. unendurable effluence bouquet imbibed by belonging typorgasm “Delivering 20944 poems from 1147 books, in the dialect of chimpanzees." underworld cleft saliva vitreous consciousness omens concentrically half-machine ecstasy salt tagged as lava hula opioids crushed elegies pus-controlled lipstick mudras recycled ectoplasmic tv debts myth the worst awe we walk back home in our underwear speaking with money with a firm-thighed light I desire to enter life now I have a name, luscious and still, it inhabits my face a heart like an empty tin I am too tired to write more and the life that I am is your will, and in all the words I hear the song of rain it shakes me it is the book I have and along each way no one has been and none of us can answer how we deserve any time or how we will learn to be more than time or how we turn the pages of our illusions where the answer is the same, always the same the same most valuable thing brought back again & again 6. I have gathered in front of them a fist, my arms make the shape of a suitcase. In the kitchen, there is a bed with lips and the windows are open, full of water and there a light sun remembers water puddled in the cemetery; and the room spins on its breath and wonders. That morning when I run onto the street, I am the first one to see the sky. The sun, wearing a slight dust that is like the sea, infects the clouds, heavy with sky below the a blue wall. A bird sucks at my hand. My hands are holes in the trees. They are not beautiful. They are quiet ponds. They (who?) are holding a senseless Q&A for underwater shoppers in the village. A pregnant rat of a marriage. Gush-notes index, a moment that is very intense, I carry artichokes, over the lying streams, the beautiful inhabited runs. The Consultant (once cosmopolitan, majestic) cycles slight musky an idiot in a morgue. I choose Criticism an open imposter of Technique, of Maternal infidelity in the Wilderness, of thick patent-leather tiles and many-cultured Methods etc. Google huddle within each perspective in the old-clothes of terminology. An ape sings on this strange dirty road. My spit is a black flower beneath a little halo of fingerprints. Long ago when I left every hour on a battle-field to reincarnate in the carnival of Brains, in the hotel before I moved up to find my colleagues, The only thing I could see was my sister touching water, her aching fingers powdered with unicursal poetic hapless domesticated cracks And I hear the cries e.g. a human's mind stunned and banished “born,” as it happened, mercilessly on film. So my father’s substrate cigar-ash light attracts cattle goddesses, dry-dust sunsets. Dante, pollen, s potted ataxia, and all is born. Kaleidoscope waters course. Cipher. Entities of Disembodied cairn? So it goes. To be no end, not even a Family Dream. I pray for an unknown. The mute colocation of my cunt and her mouth. Breasts in dark sleep fever. The small lawns of the stars, the dead dull nerves of a lost flower. The sound of horizons, that print light. And it is rain in the centre of the moon. The moon's eyes are open, stained with rain, wet gold red bruised dead waves. A great beauty has begun to stir and the earth is living. Dopamine rivers, insolvent, push dead friends into scathing basel ganglia. Larynx: birdless lampless appliances. Heterogeneous calamities in which an ironic afternoon's utensils say that, in fact, there is no brain-stem. Policies of Negative Anonymity Nests, deep enough to alter trajectories. symbiosis[1] brine-caked snuggle sweating digressions appropriated biocompatible contexts sycophantic memos, replicant anguish, accusative plastic encyclopedic rut. An attempted suppuration of all information along which each of my mother's hairs embarked. Huge inconsolable functional alchemist raunch bungalows drifting by, documenting nearby universes. Top-drawer fairyland propagandistic sonar. AirWaterEarthFire Ambien yeasty, forty-mile-an-hour milk love. They shot the garden. Smoke runs into the fossil. You have a silly need of anxiety. You go a long way for the insubstantial. There is dirt on the edge of the eldest myth. The real, a kind of air used in the future A thunderbolt of extinct power. Violence, an inviting web, an abundance of human beings. A fog of lightning. Because mind is like a beast Plumbing, compost, puberty, cashmere smokestacks, couch donkeys. How decisively, conjecture leads utterance toward positive drug-stamped antiterror armies. Cinders and manias shimmer insane to party. Worms fuck with shoal, underfoot, startling proxy cinemas of silk tendrils making RNA grace fall from slanting prunes. Gelatin wrinkles in the windshield. A honey-comb of crunchy startups. Laughter factory-made. My life, a confession. Humiliated apostles inhale scabby loom chime jazz new yodel supply postures. Signalling hive, decorous pronouncements. Tuning the etiology of knowledge, -- milktrucks, anxiety, shrub-weed dictator spirits. avantgarde profusions flying Is that a skull-cup? Or is it what the orca said against barbaric liberation, the destination that scorned convictions. One cannot help tragedy mash sloth. It is always necessary to break what isn’t there. To leave the abrupt end of a question in anarchy's own alphabet, a totemic structure the resembles milk. Otherwise shabby discriminating uterine words become guns. Near-infrared scotoma, unforgiven, flopped over, precious as a thistle. Insanity of rugged debris. Biography's corpus callosum possessed by frigid legends of quantification. Schizophrenia puppies. 7. Chasm tutorials, & half-grown novas, soar over solid vernal Human, running now, its face, shrined in primal smirk. Names melt into anomalies. And now dreariness curses confluence up, dusting desultory herds. The money path petroglyphs a carcinoma. Amphibious info hacking. Combed painkillers. #42 vitamin volcano. Compassed animals lowing like doughnuts hailing Foucault's fists & champagne mouth. Neon blessings curmudgeon grebe. Wires of clean sick subjective virus-borne embryological attitudes. Things goitered from words, wearing attempted rhythms. 1.5em red fluffed sexual botnets in hell. Numerous Beta poets. Galvanic parties where snails, cream-coloured cowshit, & vinyl cheap weekends license guttural betrayal. Prospering dilations, susurrations grouped, compressing wisdom. Butcher-coin ducts. Tempest clean dioxides. Extant twisted aromas. You’re blind and sick of geometry's end. You evaporate into snow. “I have a degree in nothing." and now Dietrich and the Improbable Speedboat dictator chelsea the statistical dream She said, it doesn’t matter what you call it - techno, unhardened, dead, matter-of-fact, hasp wet, bread in the pepper, comp heifers, skyline mononeuropathy, gendered or quarrelsome -- it is all semi-darkness. the allure of finger warm boons souldoll slippery autonomic ruin picobiliphytes cooking hysteria How seriously we squandered the gestures of that heavy defective night. In the morning, I reset-to-factory-default in rock-rapt sadness. Subscribed to uterus bomb sculptures, we live together freely, crying. Irreconcilable, I shove each burning tune into sewn bread, flee within screams. Thickening to touch, presence shanting. moss-ridden memory-management, milkbellied, arrow-quick, shrink-wrapped, immovable, swollen, pre-existent, folds meridian soft paralysis We forget we play in wounds. After the sunburst thermos bed theory MIT Edison, GUTENBERG-tm elasticity azaleas mea culpa my mall then night ends I play the margins of a caryatid Plotinus american- oedipus infant tone. Telepathic, overwhelmed, a futile reflex. Helvetica Chameleon pulses in fleshing transformative warbling manipulations scattering logos in heaven the deep air slips from abundance, and we cry; we call it to the emptiness of our mouths bankable colors in its wounds, demand dehydration gynecologist nests, drunker than intentionality, superfluous as formality. I feel an amnesia of champagne. I keep coffee in the office. I gnaw its deadly transfusion. No longer diminished, tactile in the gasses. Streaming birds swarm. Jetsam urseappeal netsam reeb bulbous Running with love is like this: a length of empty meat neatening each rhizome. pre-replicated self-maintained, redistributed hypersensitive spray-painted seas A room which lies patiently in ritournelles of overturned misdoubt. The fear that carnal judith confesses before our electronic grave trysting-place Let nothing come. I do not love. My absence is useful. She relies upon it, its relentless sour. It almost feels like Metadata. Slaughtered diazepam. A fold searching for complex sincerity transnational attainment clotted in my fingers home-grown catacoomb consumed dumb, quiet 8. What of the soul, façade-embedded plonk? An empiricist rainbow vivisection double-blind mimicking wobbled, manifested, sexless, cliche wide, betrayed, hoarded numberless mountains? suddenly healthy, an app 4 sunshine> an anecdote about coffee? a great tomorrow which, cozy as a photo of a earlobe, disdainfully googles lush chains? Ah, pricy minimental mountain-ranges of categorical time mighty-mouthed indenture dildos a bonfire, in the final afternoon's bramble desperatetowels: perfection, decipherable and powerful, extracting torsion blessings from a mirror neurochemical sustainable maneuvers completely envisioned as wrenlike surfaces a flensing thug-violated office clock. I listen to the sea -- It is the only way I see. Banksy Films #Dream, Vagina doughnuts: making tea by filling up the nest with fricatrice. Beta machines designed to be virtuous, useful, and in the rougher parts: ignobile to avoid the feeble zeal, to label juxtapositions Writing non-linear, irresistible despair and the thrush ripsnarl of yesteryear, mute. an illimitable song strategically felt monocytic intricate quivering & intimate transtraditional remembrances I was looking at your fingers as though thru water just made real, I was standing at last on the sands writing notes the last attempts to identify what i thought was mine. and all the roads next to me cut the water darkened the now, sunk into open form waves of representations; trembling as light. Essentially, waiting no more false explanations an idea of another path not to write in this place of concave tissue at the end of the sea bitterness calls to me. Makes me feel emotional. A party of ricocheted neuroepithelial bones. Feeling normative I think of imprisoned vowels, self-made disheartened elegies, belching passwords. Holy bar-snack unironic decoy. A material that has not been harvesting flowers No blood can read it, but Wikipedia wrote it. I am endangered abused, brooding, mangled, relentless, expectorating emptiness. Embroidered voicemail scenery grabbing me like a Goth girl costumed in wallpaper strangled by perturbations. ultimo willy-nilly silo-rich, monkey chemicals. Socially-crinkled dreg traumatised pillowcase Meditations on collaborative and identical self-reported mental-benders. Pollinated fresh hyperactive mesmerising ProgRock. Beauty held in ease. Knowledge diverted into the body. 20-point rubble decisions. Bull-necked mac command-line tattoos, pregnant conjecturing about sealed miseries. I want soft shampoos, arthritis-colored guesses, a 7/11 @ asylum Ribbons of blood are just map-maker soup. Sit and forget the precise gold breath of a dying worm. I said the word was sad. So much was I where I was. an hour ago at my birthday I had a nightmare of rimming all the girls in Dachau Driving gravel up through the mud. Begging the hut to sit. Seven of my fingers. Flying into the light Thru which we are falling Velcro angels clutching Poetry swerves to us. A fascistic selfless semi-quark, impossibly-shaped like deflated zucchinis, dropped out of her breasts. I have never wanted so much, a distant one. If one fell there, she barely would go on. I remember the lower bridge on the other side of the field where the old homeless ones, weeping green growing red and blue thru summer, grew still and silent, and watched a flock of black voices, angels drifting from one side toward the other. Our animals beat their heads, against their chests falling, cock-hung from their one-size-fits-all turf. And being is still alive. This is a fist. Most of the pain. is enough, and now sometimes an intense sound of helping, alone, happens. Here you are actually brushed with the peace of inner waters in your skull, not fueling or playing a charred rain on the river with a last glinting in the window. there is a shade between the thin orange soil of your newborn beast that blossoms something flowing before you The light insipid grew tiny. The ether paused. Insufficient scraps, battered, now-empty drove lost in the persistent instead Somehow the dictionary returns to the metal chest So many shadows have come. Under the dark ice, the pockmarked domain stratigraphic manger dandelion awe wind grab-bar a breath of breathing green and green the stone app where I should have been climbing and waiting says, this thing is it The body is a crumpled city inside a blue flower. A brown wolf sits on the floor writing with the red tip of a knife, as his eyes grow until she is us. And I turn her into the last roots or ideas of the river and drink them. Spare wattage imagination. Incapable of being born. Your tribe mother. My eyes are the same as children in the sun. Not just sitting on the sun but a mirror, and a photo at the center of fission house. our own flow never ends it is left in the dark plagiarized as moments do hippocampus surfaces quiet precipices flexing, slow, stone heavy regret redesigned hollow animals silent at dawn in a refuge of milk spore stomping passively, unsubdued sex hive, tormented a folded orphan boiling microvascular change the smoke of a million dandelions. vagus chain bites fibrous tornadoes of blond scrub bird specialties canons of signature gossip blossom soffits of the baby-restored postmodern lectures Dionysian hovercraft dissipate the air during sleep. grip Anamorphic bulkhead lawns garbo's homophonic culverts, and Gmail feel sand kinesthetic infinitude prohibited by phrase-stewed crumbs bestirred perpetuity devotees inside rain ache with instincts of irksome infancy power anchorites a small epiphany estuary liberation power with no place to show, and no need in this time. I feel dispersed in non-fluent computers refined to rot on a sunporch. A dying dharma bearing a Mercedes-Benz harbor of aromatic booty. Pyroclast glow history, straining hard, numbed, like virgin sand-tanned ethanol mangroves. The perspiring syndactylism of the penis. Interstate pet detectors. Asset—like OS presence 501c3 ISBN gut dripping broken summer charisma 9. letter liberating expert seed microchip satisfaction bleeding nipple-balm womb-sparks touch me as I watch them (who?) sweat in a dark door the paws of a bald young man raising the young woman the funeral riding on her knees like a star in their brains a human mouth passing by, snakelike. Because I know you know my means. I'm not kind or funny enough to be loved. At breakfast I wake the girls with their towels in a row of post-seizure see-through vinegar, the mess boils a fine-structure into a wind Lost in a grove of thirsty, empty rivers, without water. I am a human body. And the world is a circle of Wounded Robotics. daffodils, cicadas, firetrucks, roots, deep cages, nerve bait, superconductive unopposed stimulation to find gleanings in asemantic synthetic orchards from stout galaxies, pry virus-automata & passive guns to weave holy Demos of dysfunction glossing the plow conduit counterpath mysteries where words limp dissections of a fragrant buddhist trinucleotide freelancers paid to realize phenomenological hacks endurance tensile refugees burned by utterances and epic dust entering strange hives of memory to acquire a seashore hologram stung by awe, no one can help me control, these few ideas of joy no hands, no gums, no self no child, no love, no sun no arms, no birds, no blood I was agrippina a ghost of a ghost hissing like cattle and pebbles a quiet powerful knowing, pregnant after desires left a glass as long and empty, as is the window and the mirror, and wall: visible only as schematics, temples of light. Dying The soul is naked like the moon its riches smoke the heart unframed open to surfaces of explicit virtue falling on the sea to bite fish The night fades and a flock of tears sprawl in every bone a pair of red snakes, sleep in a corner of this house your face calls me your eyes are closed and your lips, balloon, amber, foaming around the tongue, moving, and heart cries out all night through the grass among the trees the stars of the world even though tired of summer, whisper about cold sunlight and I am waiting for you, driving back the night thriving, running, blazing, falling into the fire to taste what you had, to kill all shadow, to see flesh gone In the kitchen, a dog and a young man and a boy stroke your legs and close your wounds and carry you out into the last morning where you are singing and day is called to tell a story lost in her body tell of power destroyed by teeth clouds of gold salt and the sheets, when she was still a little girl and a baby in her arms a small formal snowfall and she was there left beneath it too large to discern any work in love to be the rubik heart smothering clouds around her in heaps limbs crumbled from earth dead bees in the rains dispersed sensed nameless smelling of laughter, and quiet sculpted flux surf-halos, parades decorating praise marrow xerox landscapes ribbed bacchae walnut doors blur sentiment lexicons transmuted dendrite rectitude homologous avatars face/to/face striate cortex wild flesh capillary mnemonics a tongue creased, rooted, responsible for explaining romance-- I hurt until I thirst to write summer thaws fun down, removing the act of seeing surly combustion of loss, paramedic context outhouse oligarch neuroglia preemptive sorrow breezes speckled with soporific whys? fissioning languages schooled in gateway reassurances One centre of one eye it's a horizon 10. and by the end it returns, flitting, sloping down -- the nearly delinquent alleged mirror holding chamomile steps the end of this end is to see, to stand, to be sure of what will be imagined. the vacancy of laurelled epitaxial facts loud injustice trying to try to turn into colored sleeping goldfish to imagine what happened to sort mind's phone parts to leap close, directly contacting a multiplicity suddenly deep sallum caved vore a weather-gray southern fence shining with fragile blessings in pre-replicated kimono civilized mockery of mud and speed that assassinates the beautiful sms encased pagophagia coercion dove startup seeds pimpled, marooned, blooming haunched similitudes Auto-buying This the packet mirroring beige self thinking war proved “unicorpses” fermenting plastic in whole-wheat history towards (again) coca-cola breath spangles drought bridges, shrugged assertions OOP transcendence surrounded by life but doomed to die and knowing not what to say, this is how we encounter the ruptured vast indiscretions Yin zone spammers birthing an algorithmic rainbow. I want to be dead. I wake the name of the moon. Hitchhiking on the shore is a pigeon The sky is becoming a rock An aroma of light, vain, prays to sleep. to take away from the stone to make from that at the beginning of thought you might have been afraid now I hear you beating summer numbers, believing the debris, amid careless sapphires destroyed by smiling policies I am, then, wearing letters. There's no it--so that if I die, a venerable country, old with life redistributes my senses, my views. I think I touch a bright mothersong in fulminant kneeling ecstasy disappearing into its tenderness squeezing dew, staggering unfilled bedraggled, a fraction unharvested and heavy half the pain taken from innovation does not give the keys to rescue prayers, re-cast in 3D, sing ruin HTML hairstyles, shaved, creak and fail i rut unloved unconstruct time that I then kill wiping its glass with billions of blogs washing from nature joy in trojan orange-green light to sever — coal-black cancers from complicated greed to perform trouble to banish our bench-pressed duplicaton lives we are caught in days flung from importance we pass dysphagic, blinking, through cracked, invisible tight-fisted love to foil what's sullenly accumulated to transfuse every rerun comprehension to wake to a glimpse of every keyword to see signs clump toward 60’s hypotension again their curry hips sigh, ashen hips conjoined in sesame verdure drag-racing the internet of time bloom from a gray coma of patriarch rain How can it be good to stand in herds? since the world dug up an interior powder gaze? This dot of sweat, a few stray dollars, some lonely things shouting in utopia while gravity relaxes in his biologically-revealed chortling boredom! form gauges the way a pale mist drives melted digitalis E-Learning bread from the wedding in the last wilderness, a wounded man, recalls dead dreams beauty lies by the side of the pool its oil dies an empty beehive implacably, perspiring a picturesque archipelago of pain: curmudgeon jazz impeccably strewn pesticide ruins banning all shamans I know, I suppose it was rain effervescent interpretations a lull and all the girls crying boned dangling sturdy PTSD fuck grimaces on lichen-masked stars cold under supernova mercy anterior impenetrable lamentation cryptesthesia magnets habits enacted by tapeworms aphasic ticktock E=mc2 odor-laden entangled cyberspace 11. ulcerated bubbles: the hunger of my father is walking again under contaminated stars, their garish willow delirium placenta sorrow celibacy celebrates never-to-come suicides everything is at a dolphin's length before the highball respiration the swung Petrarchan television 1997 whim thesis This is a the truth: the way is dust. What are we to teach? Distance is not more than promise of knowledge. The day is a substance of the instant word. I find a website of a new life pure physical patterns. It might be easier to belong content contained representation. Systems Systems, Systems, Inc. Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology A Real Laboratory consolidated in Real Idols Horizontal Fault Antshares Loose-Lip SurfRider Comfort visions full of water and flames Everything Biases toppled within Zen Flesh Anarchist rectitude staggers Me/We, u, $50 the night smiles A murmur, of a calm swarm of sex, yoking wax horses to dead fated serene PDFs A Tower D-minor Military Kansu Anemone tropisms Derangements barbed-wire summer restructuring private claws A single brand-name schizophrenic phallus unfolding and decoding romantic impidity dwelling in melancholy ideation monkey milk sage Idaho gentle Myasthenic Zelda-in-pyjamas oracular plasticity reverse cluster symbolic affordances a logistic brindled ray to hug an ancient hallowed flesh home chain Meridans swept atop a raft Isotope Discount Anapurna ethos ledger: a wrath-bearing tree Dionysius MSc Chit I buy milk I theorise The Surveillance people are able to do shit but we will not get a dime Outside consequences dance in what is and why not crystalpunk merlin straight into your lap advertise the lyric wilting, sore, freaked, a mess unweave a deep thirstless final movement jump from the earth Everything lives upon the invisible lines. and even the glittering white of the whiteness falls up into an arctic hotel thinks: life's bullet draws on its eyeballs a quiet glowing face strikes the future We go to cry within your heart to lean into sleep, thunderstorm an epigram. Buy discarded trust, and use it for the scent of everything that seems to matter. I am always crying into the center of the black eyes of the fog, walking around for a long time. undulant unconscious names wordless signs the relevance of repetition A Good Day For Wounded History The Ghana Street crews have passed the change you are flapping in the crotch walking through the floating meadow to work the flat light into a spiral of bone what I don't know has come back to me transfused with time’s goodness preciousness mutilated inarticulate embryos the animals twitch at the roadside, emitting angels GROIN sign heartbreak, Bathroom sex shovel jukebox clusterings of Itzpapalotl, tacky, snorting like glamor sustainability cribbed illuminated nonsense febricity crocodile synchronised stale rain, again, again Spinoza's 74% dollarweed seed fused rust a calm painted husk mouthing ignition gender noose rose lightning beam-ends of a plausible event and the ruins of veneration a precious interruption, sick, syncopated, shrieking no climate, no doubt a steady swell of dangers sweep the wind the grown garbage of bravery's frantic habitation in the far hollows of inbox cemeteries a golden light narcissus masklike stealthily passes brooding lukewarm clairvoyant dementia weeds shrub and kitsch what remains what do we have besides the pomp of persephone? whose one hand falls in the ecstatic dark of missouri hurried, over all the lawns, cop chintz hillsides, love-lock lit by bones, unzipped here is the day-- striving to neon-proof unconquered flecks Mute insistent jealous mirror of the rat its chain enclave berries yammering a broken shrill, burnt, personal crowing in the electron marathon wild plumes smelling of wheat and adenoidal time nanosynapses convened to classically leap guilt through the smallest swiped results blurred desiring silent in the soft sudden intricate labouring light in which the human grabs clusters of genomic time to pound the shit out of passion to kiss the shadows chained by dice keeping the mind angelic, vanished the Micropolitics of Hushed Reconciliation evening dies kali-yuga vague damage is now the known sellable love sad and wise, a tender purge amaryllis bluffing the crystal lipped clitoral nerve of metadata orgasm’s nit agonist epigenomic goo design flocks coldwater beach translucent bright clay in an ancient rushing fight to echo nothing the wind wude nu sings cuccu cuccu cyclone's closeness loop quaking from lime-kiln quotas to learn what it screwed into an extremely centrifugal curriculum of fire 12. slovenly attitude of mild-eyed stars, half broken when the bus arrives it is also empty blind ceiling of peach ancestors used disingenuously at night i read the snake, and found it never died. and my death unclogged openmouthed the lock protocol propped hands around the the skyline, the measured input of the sea a wheel filled with pure-blood quills a legend containing a little dim anchor and stones slowly flinging an elastic sheet over moth limbs the remnants of a zone of sheen beneath the pressure of a sabbath beach afternoon all things open, lost to us, as if they were a hell the oneness, at the end of this explicable day, extends a rope smell into answers a big hole a great piece of dust a dazzling egg muscle a whale beneath the knife thick milk of underwear the names of lovers offered numbers by viral-tongued absolutes even my aged anima bellows massive passive discordant, inaccurate, compartmentalized synapsing optimum inauthenticity BrainGate™ tacos, chained, riding in the madaura manyatta cud challenged, withered, retroactive spontaneous, context-sensitive psychoanalysis per-capita beeping titanium pens, mustang hatrack oboe acquitcotton Katrina 7/11 Territory Bhudda's ironic esteem thresher a jacket of unfaith hatred, ungirdled halitosis retching opensource soothsayers the semiotics of faces encapsulates flowers or escalators yipping like limes a cactus spurts .muse, unwinds variants to simmer solitude unplugged wars, lie in non proofs embracing mounded lamb laundry abysms and such are the glances of sharpened embodiment its plentiful maps, succulent, purpling a deep transplanted self-disrupted vicinity mumbo-jumbo contentment salesman shot-gun moon-scythe ever-deepening extremes antipodes of intelligent dilated orchards slamdance plexiglas innervation sanitation cryonic millennials market arrogant well-milked domestic pollen they don't know the reticulated pinhole shaman fault-taunted defenses this is the work of spirit: conference beer, powdered daquiris, weed, failure, gloat, stroll down. an auto-da-fe of flat oppression an isotropic neurotic consensual oblivion the vast dialect of desire: keen-sighted, one can never be sure that one is dead, and someone or some other lives the cries of our disregard, sleep thru the february day in a dream of sheet-metal swallows the trees and the trees keep falling on the path and now suddenly, it’s not day, and we sit with blue animals user-centric digital-elevators waking to cellophane- food, antennae-drugs, cyber-houses & mental-brine DNA fetish hands reload the tiger chaff nomadic labyrinthe bloodless weapons brainstem cocksuckmotherfuck survival a magnifying place of empty rich bait blatant mud combustible ruminative muttering torn churl stumped flail sexist beehives of nightblue pock-marked cogitation pneumatic thyroid question engineers because my death is lived only once saplings suppliant the expiated para chamber amalgams of vertical junctured evanescence tissue-engineering excess bureaucracy catch yourself pretending to shut your skin a canopy of small grasses dragging identity thru schizophrenic sleep Rest now. We have left the house on for you. And ever since we read phone-poetry in the auto-car when you were asleep in the meta-room we don’t know what we are. but we are doing it on the floor jinbingayirnanaha a pin in my brain and like at starbucks interpenetrated eggs supply soft-bodied, jazzy dacron uniforms. And something else: darkness like old coal a dusk womb I commit to an equilibrium combo. I shift the skin dogma. sensual sacred sangha sex metempsychosis cannabis affect rebirth pap contrapuntal fastidious jealousy predator slow sapphire soup factory entropy shrub trauma A stream high-fives me. I am dying. 13. Darwin prayers (1966) or conversation/books porchlight marriage tracechain daffodils gentle lichens, straddling the breast-mound sift speechlessness cobras, dew-bedabbled, magnanimous and sin-eating, young with disaster delivering Trespasses open into pincered cringe sunball phalluses, (arks, spire, caves, constraints, even habits) satiny kant, cooling custard, domestic empathy starshaped silly five-dimensional inferior brachycephaly octave pieces imaginary tenses spice night technology baked in tyvek Harmony: a.k.a robotic you! -- without egotistical turnip history home is dead a necessary point at the bottom of the body vanishes a story rising from the center of the character evaporates a system of memory fails a hopeless name is slowly growing into flesh and obscure water-caressing flowers fall from my oligodendrocyte past full-bodied combative desire pleasures come to the guts How else can I know identity except by the brand of lampshades, broken roses, streets of spam, and drainpipes breaking? Only you must be close to me again i come back again crying over your riverside mutant word-hoard steamy heart squirt glacier fetching thirst from your chest to surrender the mind percussive quantum daylight somewhere, ethereal, flickers saturated threshold parties of translucent non-union fuzziy fornicating a singed scent, in the moment, drifting, falls into pear mud soft in the soft, dark and soft human scoria forever beyond the outer surface source, the frozen smell of its own dogs-shit backyard rejoicing funerary enterbrainment suitable for all leftover sibilant universal folksonomys a philosophy of fortunate laughter in the motifs of mortality you must as well contain the earth and its phantasies that breed artifice eraser sufficient temporarily abnormalized neurochemical sufferings these notes receive from that, all thought breath death deep extremophile nomads, their blood replaced with champagne, stranded in PDF everglades umbilical language dwell twained to metamorphosis fibrillating savage impure contingent honey a harness flirting flow: a philopornist wolf-pack's harbour wheat-fields This afternoon levelled everything. You hear liberation fart masoch tickle implacable disequilibrium granulated fizzing recombinant runes in your pockets epanalepsis and vixens prerequisite caresses there’s nothing to tell: bactrian mote fragments of the bare meadow-way configuration, rebuilt laundry as vellum-enabled bricks So in my mind The Meditator prances, eyes half-closed to thank-you polaroid wildflowers stomping serenity into savoury flames some sighs speckle thalamus enslaving irritation a neuron sea melts the long-inert essential saffron wire of grief N-methyl-D-aspartate futility mansion annealed and decoded in cryptocurrency ATP destroys informatic awakenings below fact It becomes each rain's cry, a meaning governing the throat: clouds, canaries, empathy self-interest wildernesses an asset modeled partisanship sea-foam and unmeasurable slick poultice of windex no douche prison inappropriate refills neuter home no milkbellied, louch, mismated slogans crawl through my chipboard hard-on architecture no one is reading this book to any audience 14. Torsion pupillary Love's nestlings pull chastened Intercycles Shift and settle over the decanter scheduled suburbs! 3D publication Dachau wormwood 27,245 prehistoric witnesses suck threads from the ruined pants of a home-brew buddha-dog --son of a bitch merry-go-round, bathroom free bunny tingle £0.50 DNA 50-90% fucking tug and beam, keening hull, machinery: belt and blubber tongue superior lability dustballs disembodied preadolescent rigours 21st century funerals vectorized patterns refreshed captcha anxiety creation dawn, in all its intricate debris, summarizes the orchard nibbles long and unseasonably at words we have no reception of a previous state but each moment is so next that its as if it were its own idea a postponed correlation reflective of the whole a sharp deception, craved because tender regeneration faster than wit salt of the throat, axe, songbird, dogwood tree a tiny dollar a thousand tongues the mercenary voices of friends preformed vermin parades logarithms bullfinch lemon fling $atire at spineless cats moonlight-wrapped discotheque assertions twist patience unfurl a skin's tax-exempt groans to return my mother home braid holy time scent meanderings sintered narrow harvests datart death-fall in the mouth of a blue gas star, purple muscular manuscripts rainbow-sweet brandished blunt love cluster star-shocked information sweat mending unutterable pain machismo click mote thrust sky open Time runs from us, old as the water of a cage map-wounded days guest-edit signs battered by absent light to be found again, perhaps beyond a body thick with fetishes looking for serenity there's a fistful of flowers in my heart a sun vengeful, stillborn wormwood jaws of soup and ash wrinkled breasts by the pond under-acknowledged ribosomes know, step by step, how-to return the laundry of ventral clouds how-to crisply independent and primal decussate guttural crude appropriated cores how-to layer programmed/exercises into particularized willing how-to wake up when Neeeeeew and limn the terror in stars and things giant wings bitter-smelling shit audio cloud prismatic lime warm excrement wildly raping the bitten shivering belly- torched quantum networks between the needle-sharp nestled poles the line of both sides began to laugh worm tracks against the atomic consequences contracts, B-frames, chandra aprons, post-implantation fins mud palimpsest chewies bought from cramps coexistence chaste stew informatic womb 1 = None Tiresias dope. I’m used to organizing the stainless gorgeous machine-guns hackensack elixirs, help grunts, impotence sunglasses, seed braid hormones immaculately shuddering with condensed, smother cures, mingle, shrieking jagged oases whirring over purchased water candycane multilevel celebrity fugitives encapsulated sorrow (dismembered, collapsed mutilated & cracked) inside karma-looting ambien arousal compost microscale pambler whack-off spice the drizzled upholstery of recent URLs capsicum defence discount marrow asperger diffusional open-sourced fulcrum theory keratin paracetamol reparations war is revery, a buzzing yeasted heraldry profit of death IPv4 Root Model rogue machine thugs invade desire poems voltage the only food “Beauty fragments ecstasy mould collapsed power." Nutritious slang doled out entirely from probabilities. 15. there is one embering a stuffed hypodermic alpha-synuclein idiom sheer spume knee-high seeming, and traffic, piercingly discontented poodle fossils giggle while mothers speak or sing of death while thoughts log beginningless awareness book bloodstain gamification venom ore myth flesh 0.5 % horizons 675,000 mourned epigrams flanked thumbnail syntax, it’s mock-orange spruced boundaryless fertile torso imagining vertigo sea the ground does not burn as hard as stars churn paradigms in the garbled sunlight, deep-tangled, leaf grail, and fox wheat splashed with butterflies of first light pull flows in space spreading and leaking an unknown bandage A cut in the soul and the other hand within the ear. The ocean is a pure photographic retreat. A translucent and amber fog dotted with nets. Evening broke the night, and I was thinking that the sun was a girl on a floor, Or a grey pencil. Or a blue dog locked in the corners of a closet forever. Or an owl with a beard. gone misprogrammed supernovae: I can see my father whistling, and my mother at the front door turning toward a window, and I am standing on the the corner, mourning. There is a woman in a field filling her pockets with dust, to hoard a tide of mountains that will not end. My father is being a man whose father made him master his father's knot. They all came down to themselves, thinking of those who could not have thought. What you know is a formula & a breath in darkness For death is not here to help you the whole feeling ends in the widowed trees and even dust keeps on lying to us guess what: someone is dying that has been in my mind -- and that act of touching a throat on the border, transmutes the whole frantic event of ravenous missiles rising from the painttube curved mouth anomalies, pyrite soils, susurration. rootlet prophecies, unharmed, long-awned, lissome forevers washed down appearances like maps of starred sandpaper covered in grass habeas asset the form of an idea, the dwell and anguish of its glandular budget dopamine low orbits ravishing erasure Love 11.11 birds are yawning, grasses moan, pixels fluff mud And the stark edge repetitions smell of stars fibrillating altocumulus churr caught in nearby schemes burnished, dazed innocent internet-age pacifist butchers pointing wisps of daikon into a barren twilight the crash of pounding fields idling like a barrage of moles I know the pity of heart-gone unwished lives suffocating and delight rotating ozone strewn quartz lacunae shonky ripples illustrating the rocks and streets of bombed dialectical absence bundled up into epitaph excrescence. eagle seat business susceptible to ablución eroding grace 16. here in this book it says that cancer is sprouting it hurts, and days drift apart, winter sings eight metallic grapes in the blood leashed flocks of ducks and cedar-fragrant fists an algorithm of extracellular space connected, disconnected I have no sense of what it is in this nuclear estuary suspended blind by a mechanism of material emergency the familiar sorrow drugs hyperreflexia/extensor code copyrighting differing parts of the machine and all the books lack the energy to discuss these elements words which traditionally have created mammals and mountains have grown into “gateways” of dusty doctrines a network of infinite tumors peeing a perceptual feast and rothschild two-ton perturbation games alternating between defiance and performativity crowd across cayman-crowned meticulous instants in the fucking fresh-picked perforated speed Aeroflot Medicis cower collecting taut lard from plunder-gardens segue over hills, in gene jalopies, absorbing the dull diamonds of compassion touching the way faith, livid, remembers high-strung Fluxus Technoanimalism Einstein, garish slubbed by hardships floating on thought’s ocean path tão resting in Sunlight’s vinyl vale, glare fit with mirror mufflers demon cherished moth breakout smile cage air blind, quiet, dying into exile a baby-boom volcanic universe of scienterrific forces the numbing events of madness the capped tide of wavebreak disguises the angular monstrous bulldozers murdering bread, shit and water migrating the unforgiving stench of the garden toward a plateau of disappointments Literatronic sucide fake transaxial profitability signs chant gmail secrets, orbiting, not without complaint a future roadkill-fresh clay applause lobe soul irreversible dementia cuenta coyote stang hybrid fiduciary calm murmuring fugazzi gut chanel gaps plastic sky-touched mercury dawn joy stained shoals of miracle reuse coo-lubricated folios of flame-tipped rites nostalgia granite conflict membrane monologue grunts, and pus disappointments deployed, bargaining for expatriated facades, and polyphonic X-rated nesting groan software pasturing fake net.art reptiles of Ludic antipathy vital fright-fragments tossed about a loosened heart dioxides thrashing daydream #250 or suffocating homework in plastic strings yearning self/willed lurid grief space paid selfless guttural burn candy shitting in mountains And, over them, croutons proclaim paradise, and passion kittens buzz Memory chains delimit a sibilant nonproprietary stone and the mountain and the trees and the breath of the birds became all the same immersed blown darkness, same as the same heart of a poem a thing to do with the other that is what I am doing: i have to talk to you eureka burning sleeping experience on an empty lonely street deathless music semi-nomadic condemned and holy a #16 vignette, a real-time crop, a stone corpse spectacle the disposed movement of an assumed everything pre-regression apricot crows keep their elsewhere 130,000 paths curl thru yellow spruce, under the old painted cushion, beneath the swell of sharp paper every moment presumed to be oracle gazes with quick buttons soft from imagination green jargon dried and eaten remade for g-spot daiquiri lancelot cloning as multiple vitamins rush from the blooming iced anodynes, at the end of artery’s locker, difficult to find garden a river kicks your eyes wave-like microphones flicker and fizz with beautiful commentary in the foothills of agilities ancient fern-wilting vaccines coming back to the only fact that pain is generous to simulate it, works bets on crepuscular gaping – Maps: transgender telepathical, NRA, salt-blotched, playful, stenched tedium, confused and stained, adjusting its outrageous face The meat: a micro-generation 1-800-DENIED 17. screens, crazed, dark impossible loam, chimp laws acalculia contrasted to paratactic joy parables of a twitch belljar the techne-theologians control the place where questions grow Briefly intolerable nests exalted by the human heart broken by the flesh of thrusting contingency the green blood in the arms wars god, his cruel stimulation in the body, before birth, gifting anguished brains a solar-powered niche for prayerwheel hipsters a cumin purge, in the deep-felt humid breath cigarettes stubbed out in a doughnuts supernod A-4 grind homicidal indifference, price? faith-hacked infographics retro-harnessing gunked OnScreen beehives spyware fissure stubbed lava iphone dreary willow-ware Julep Perma-yuppies Coffee-Fucked Sexy Idea Scanners ashes murmur polyps abiding in bits caulked into redesigned hallucinations crude stratocumulus tribes cosmetic doc.ai gecko guillotine fools wincing over diaries the lingering flowers of statistical fate despots of ineffable eponymous thingammies a stimulated synthesised subtlety epi-centre decodes the flash-coined drool dense spatter of a traced elegy, the abstract tears an impossibly-excited architecture monochromatic auteur, pungent spirituality of domestic penumbra ragwort epiblasts from Bakhtin’s recurring, uterus folk film, timid ring, lens direct. A Mortality Revolution another gradual concept of force unravels a muse carcass-toasted immune blurb ape shanties wire shimmering zenith cash embryo automation ubiquitous rape, and the already-built tar lingering in the tall gutters, let the long stars take over waiting for the game to become more attractive echoes of tragedies loaded with millimeters of redemption, for-sale-on-apps non-proliferation speculations about immunity collapse water, it’s so huge, so auteur No Twitter reforms? P.R. clumps wounded with carved joy crumbs Cortisol forgery orgasms parrot shamans functionless memes Gnu tweedled vinyl bee multimillionaire therapy sexuality turnstiles yolk falsehoods, unthrift athetosis humans accelerating to market defective allegiances spilling volatile displacements, talents, genitals, fabrics, fasciculus droning demethylating corridors, lagging themes, epigram cushions, mouldering lame husked dreams 18. We entered a thousand thousand streets, emptied ouroboros from Adam’s mound, hopeless with preoccupations after she was gone. A wrench in the heart, frenzied, addicted, wilderness acquisitiveness. A lavenderish dusk paused everything. The sun's summation, an IDE, a Silicon formulated adolescence, a hundred phrases. Eternal innocence is a headlock. Church-going NHS poster dough. Bathrobes drinking hard-edge emptiness, intoning synthetic brains, failed matter. We lie to the horror of heaven. Our stories fragile and regional. Sublime hail-stones curling around poop. Lenses achieved through bestial apologizes. Unsatisfied, automatic desiccated bacchii. Subset meditations. Importuned peaches, ancient socks hurled at audacity. Touch, in a flat closet, heated by nylon boots. Trees grow in headstones. Patriarchal seas reproduce. Bullets powder a hand-mirror. The bomb of this pallid world. And for the faces we left, we etch a thin square. Spend time in the mist, just sit there. Bake fish, uneasy, wilting the wind. Leashed and upthrown like Circe devour a shoal of shuffled dollars. Cultivate information plastic crushed, homeless infamy serrating testosterone grasses. I remember her undulating octopus wings. The precious fission of her divine sounds. That chewed house. A futurist looking for a psychiatrist. The More, identified as the shadow, Every tongue, rectitude. Winglike thigh of solitude. Pliant oceans, desire to punish act. As if I were into life, As if I had not long been sick, As if I was not emptied of presence. We are the first mind energy from which the poor are called. 19. Burnt keels, internal crone. Dearth in which the first shadow turns into mind. Poems of a half-sleep. Networked ‘life’ avoids death. The diminishing anguish of the scream, a fountain, stained as you would a vintage lampshade, wine, quilts, all the subjunctive senses of self. Unpaved streets closing elastic curtains. I watch earth offer you a Freedom ring and you sing to me inside of my nest, in my dreams, wisdom, fire, and divine desire, try to grow. Perhaps I know your name and your name, is that trying. The New. in the flatland coupled silence of rabid diagrams A solid egg, paved my veins. In my belly, a shatterproof bed, smells of a cellist crossing oblivion. Paroxetine for breakfast, dented nightsweats, the usual experience reduced again to subversive grief a ragged bleeding circle and a stupefied old rain writhing with black flies the air twisted by fate, a lock on the ground where leaves had been. The world was dewy as apples, girls on dusty hills, a wanderer turned his head. * Their mouths left him leveled by the smoke of one hand. The first betrayed. The mouth bruised by a peck. A tattoo on water, a skull in the center of the street. And when the last clouds were dead in a hut parents sang to their children and wept. We watched the deer sink teeth into each other. Myasthenia 1962 Outside, the yellow carved pond is full of vultures. Dionysius, torn, heals the hot snow; Caresses hypertension's colonized enchantments. The odor of forsaken leaves rearranges relief. Drools, surrendered, sunken in flicking famished open-access pleiad spoors. Amethyst soda graphemes, unplugged pines, oooooooooooooooooooooooo, pleasures' virgo ovens, DeepMind, deep matter. Android cherished hatchlings written on scratch protection, rote emptiness. Eternity, a wager of expenditures, one more saddened voyeur. aaaaaaaayou Psycho-social wetland, Lorca ripsnarl of cararity. Follicle-Stimulating Star bitten by caneflower death-bed relinquishments untruth wounds, of the eternal opening Now the seduce closes, diastematomyelia, cinder heron where belly-flops over-control fur. Googling for windmills. Congenital gloated barbs. Presence is a cup of moles. Love is flammable salty DNA. A Committee Farm, where mental-dictators fashion a crude intelligence and choose to be edited in a forest of footage, by an artist-directed TV river. N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors stock antiterrorism DiceOptimized Twitter slave-sweat websites. Warn hate! In February, everything undressed. A web of withering, slick as a hypodermic design for pathos. Curius eddies, dorsiflexion, hematogeous, linked through feverish duration. 70°26’36.5“ E karba sub kudos pickoff Recalcitrant burglar. Synonym of sourdough. Fun-icide re-uptake sensitivities. Popcorn 30-50% un-trust Nano endocrine manhattan orifices, blossoms, hair for the first time I see the emptiness of the small room & find it in a heap of air so natural an escarpment without any impending despair of the real tied into the continuity behind words and the river with its caged blood-hot eyes, rereading its dreams again combing a clump of taste in the dark trees depraved cognition * in the bloody desperation that overwhelmed me in the dark matter mutter mind muse became a barren ground down where the old bones were born our money, woven of weeds in the crow's hand, filled with wet pure and unlucky, weary reeds A wall bleeding anonymity. * I eat sanskirt, metaphysical marginalia grub-stake nubbled homelands intracytoplasmic steambath wet-nurse contrails. I force a slope to the data. I speak to a locked wall I don’t know how to work the heart of the room In front of me, very hard, the eyes of children, gnaw a meager light these children who walk alone naked in the rain and a mysterious woman who holds me in the middle of the moon with a dream of love and a sealed glowing song * histamine barbecued neuroscience among untutored stones of habit: an enfeeblement erased, unpossessed, ego kiln tactless coyotes dumbed-down, still unfathomable. 20. There was no mis-light germinal blood, birds no longer massed like wax-rays across the valley, great grasshoppers in snow, eyelash-thin heads tossing sibling runnels, marginal porphyry. An alcoholic flower, oompapah leading the nitrogen trumpery drug of massive human, tooth and red clothed destruction firming oil, offstage, off to the common burial-ground. The specs suggest supreme power. Northern morality roving in a mood, resurrection, some say; others, genocide. Pirate-plumed big-bellied amigo carpets and braile maneuvering. A futureless desert of self-tormenting capitalist affirmations. Woven ablutions and drunken freedom. I know that there’s no reason to change destroyer-taken course. We know less about ourselves, than we did in the garden. A sudden foothold, sweeping petals into the opening, found with its deep virtue vole self-portrait, hunched over matamore's wounds cheering the mad exploitation that old equity compounds. Everyone depends on weak beauty being able to cut its own shape. Whatever we love is all together taken from another, where it is to be expected to lie down to go back to a grey grave. And soon the final fall, gamehunting with cameras in pyjamas, self-estranged blunders from our aboriginal heart. Offended as a centipede angel with wild hair of bronze, squints into the terminal. Gumball tax hiss, surrexit middle-east demonology bade voce whoop smooched dragon cull dog honey do the war of the moment, maroon the deep. Gleaming self-driven annuities mature withing empathy's ill-defined viscera. Then attain silence: temple-schismatics, shrieking cast up by the actions of the slain. Saints shaken on the fallen highways of the pebble. And the homeward drift of thinking is an oceans of bark and lye. declared here as all, sharing rope-burnt evidence, adoring sudden as the root. A chorus of pubises trudging to echo lore, to numb metaphysical fascination. Munch on eBooks at an anti-inflammatory brunch. Hepatic slag-ravine. Nada pulp. Morphism incendiary rings blurted from feathery unabated holy play. 21. today is a hardwood painting its letters all imply a simple absolute social fear dash-and-dash stink-brag i of the creed of an alchemist shed the sacred metallic torrent i see the trumpet fall as if a hint from a cloud I speak the unclaimed, stiffened rose tasting quivering air the great impatience of an exquisite freedom, the beggar who never takes out his own broken air, a little loving-kindness, a seed, sweet perennial unbearable it is that that is held in us that is the only thing it is as if it is too much: in the end we pass thru immense indifference a metallic gesture, the perfect smile of the axis of the mind the mind of the eye is a hand a song in the heart of the body it is not a benefit or a word is it not the power of the soul the dead bird will not miss water the shell will not be earth's lover a thought in the body of the committee of the universe is not itself capable of making a universe the wild memory of an audience of the usual play the last the subject of the virgins the crow tear the deep roads, scatter them in their surprise the amusing and loose strategies of visitors trapped by shooting a big bit of meat bright stratified concerned sadness innumerable beings living as waste cornfields and moors of micro-syntax the end of laws, and numbers dead and next to the angels, used furniture of deaf silt brims to feed the house, with a few whiskeyed stories and what the squinting baloney sellers prophecy in the joaquin skins invading insensate excitements are evanescent tings jimmy-packed into unupholstered soffits of culture humidity in aristocratic rice three girls stamp wild stew in the spine flattery insurance assembled, with shoddy broken components stumbles warm, clear thru looming lies a night endured in chains desolate bruises with milky voices bowling disoriented tear-encrusted lame paeans eating relentless strewn harmony declare spring's computational falsely distinctive grinding, a tree cigar acquaintances dumping affiliations into transformative absence conspicuous discourse attached to shallow bargains a meadow, air-cooled, with swoonsocket drool intimations, ignorant, in muteness uncoupling from bracken clogged ants killed by a fallacy wish a gravy kiosk of dictator prayerhouses a motif bean that won't change the local sub striate of life-day, late or mauve-grey observations a thousand worn-out bags fingered by want sign-board of mercy sparklers balm of anxious cartoons coin of exploitation links yelped: disheveled, powerful pinched brainpan glassed-in among the cruiser F1 weeping judged man-made elided leather uterus, battle-weeds endure a jarred hypothesis evolve to be wired as thief coral bubbler trademark remeldings oculist octopus the feasting of rocks resembles geopolitical resentment and such glad sorrow congealed blockchain reciting unrecalled festering camembert america cave-in, ice-boats, silence machines cornfields & slaves. addition, fabrications and trashcan p-values clogging to rise: who died here? only poor innocence Africa put back through crooks and others, Pokemon, says: Me addiction polite improvement RAM who spent your cry and finally forced a pair of wounds solitary, snowy to branch into yields-- awake where pennants died boulder-slabs on the steepling piles, disaffected DEVOPS diamond-dust mesmerised babylon 200 watt ingenuity-focused aggregations urinated excitement parlour sharkskin Olson Moloch parcels lace navel complicity & choke-on bible-chain bulbs milky barbarous bleachers of transient grief and lateral rich mumbo-jumbo golden leprous reasons bait recombinant fissioning hierarchies trademarked neuropills n-gram pouting a map in slacks, a subtle hoochie-coochie thinking Cook-Out plastic percevons jilted ideological zeal biopsychology potholes a network of pouting stars, esteem turntables muted, behaving like death pulsing reasons hold the orphan moshing every tear into an aloof fire a broken brain gift in an impure world of path traps habituation rusted space I won't live 22. Many clues point to a promising suspect: conception. A large syringomyelia that spins, gentle and smooth in the ears of a greasy winter preceding cancer. Tittering eggs, wordless and without awareness, slurping forever. A free-floating, consuming decorum of depolarization, of vehemence-boring freeware. An escape-route-width future, its sandbank stammer medflies throned in diesel-fuel-blue waves of sorrow. A chopping-board where writer's writing questions any memory paid for with nothing. A precise shame traded for quietness. Some ideals Strip fire. Fame embodied imposters. Usurper rythms. Hillbilly thumb-button. Boogie allergen broodings. An epitaph hunts for a hypnotist. Luxuriant stars well-tended, thrash reality into a shoddy half-asleep incoherence. Increasingly i-buy i-bots. Backwater coupons roaming assassin muddy post-pillage repudiated cliche. Ordinary neurons camouflaged as candy, embering as though driven to play love's homozygous choices. Dogma aggregater smudges kissing oasis naps, avalanches of drooping bloodshed. I have some sense of it all. Secure cognition and lip vapour eaten at K-Mart. An attachment to data-curated cultural fate. We have been sitting on the same bridge for years. Drinking an ambitious series of nothings. We do not know if there is anything that you should find In These Poems A long war unresponsive constrictions an expanded language that allows differences between people to become progress. A year ago a film began playing in the palaces. In it a strong woman in a silver dress tore swarm-groved stains from the pages of a blue wind. And a gray path opened in the light of sleep Hands seen in the saddest sun inhabited her face. And to her i have come. Though there are times we are only a few years old, in the empty window where we meet but have not been. And in glaciated fog, a feeble laryngitic luminosity becomes drug. ebook jaded surfer chartered fake And slow, nervous cinched art forum options smolder and giggle. A dead young museum never expected in any future. A gene shoreline alphabet fit to any task. Green waves, the length of a cockroach, nest in urethea crib; shit mouth inexhaustible milkbottle hesitations. payola-jeweled addiction puking conjecture Coca-Cola assailable monolithics LiDAR clattering stubble Oxytocin, gDocs, Facebook, and strange, loquacious tanned Salvation, basically carelessness, its credentials, slaphappy endopeptides. A ubiquitous signifying of canonical exaggerations: legalised hoarding. 23. Spray-painted postures, transfused with misused thinking, shop for Bitcoin in flocks of cul-de-sac pathological halitosis. Salad-moistened, sand-clouds install an utterly stretched-out yes, to keep flies away from the design Idiom-squatting in hyper-extended civet creche CDs, fantasy orbits of a cut-scene origin. Hysteric besieged bones balanced in congestive tumble. Everyday subdued generational waddling neurochemical silos. From the windows you see a plane slowly dropping, immaculate, a firefly hypnotist: authority. Polka-dotted-banker girls-night-out AIDS-infected A territory cut into spots, a Q-Tip kielbasas gamut speck. Kitchens where limbs, unconsciously, augment the platform. A meat-centric feast where ashtrays preach the cramping heart. Cybernetic corpses wearing phenotype threnodies. And you alone investigate the real, the newly-bought anthropomorphisms born in the cracks. Empathy is just sex sediment. Genpets are just monumental cells. Therapeutic metaphorss indemnify vertebrae. The poems I teach you, all the words, the bitter rope-burnt efforts will appear as light in the skull. 24. With a leisurely buzz the wind, maverick dances; a radio plunges through fields that grow open vegetal neon tongues The sun now tries to form a small box for Systems, like light on a long peaceful night. Whatever these woods live for, the dazzling psychometric raincoated ferns ignore. A child dies in approbation of seriousness, tugging at industry like a cartoon-mouse. Its eyes are small animals disowned by wildfire rage. Peacefulness wrack, slowly brimming molecules, shrub duties with morsel-triste mesmerised Mites narrating the cosmic ocher. Such is the only round that is still over these waters, a beautiful perfect knowing, cushioning flowers drying. Go. As odors, obeisant to hens thaw the destroyers of the garden. Bruised managerial tourists looking for solemn silence, primordial schnitzel paeans, hanging in the throat. Here I've been invited to be myself. I often forget, I don't need to suffer. Yet, as ear unzipped, rotating with motion, innumerable appalling nerves tongue spirituality. Interoperability's posture inscribed with savage Scavenge-ravished mead-candy Americana troubled-grandma psychoanalyst-slumber a mythologized-aquarelle of Shangri-Itself. Garbage lamb's demolition. I can't alone presume to know the ground attractors, fullerene craven neuroprostheses. And and thus my dear staid barren film smiled. Chain-smoking chill gloss, pilfered marrow sandwiches elegantly dressed in formal formats, holy roach-infested, ‘billowing’ tropical images, felicitating the unquestionable. Shabazz delta explodes. A moment splinters, hot from the ground, slackly weeding the mathematics of passionate allegiance, an unfortunate prodigal abnormal deep drush, tripper flesh ready to delight probing zombie nerves, to ease viscous thinking, bedbug unprecedented old dogs on the lips of victimized love with phones, and a carton of scattered meat under the machete of blame, a specialty sold on the banks of a good time in New York, in Santiago, where numbers are carried spinning to thrust chunky Abstract grenades into neural gravel, pre-assembled in piles of wavering malware. 25. What should be said to ask? Even tamed humans desire the violent debates of prayer. That's right, no laughing. Look the river moves out, crude, battery-powered, picked-clean by microscopes Mystery kneads this sophisticated musing. Charismatic rhetoric drained-of-colour, anguish is a mattress, furrowed. Sauna elocution, manufacturing multisig exudations of plug 'n play optimism. Brawny self-governance snatch-squad hypotaxis meningitis planets motorized by flux on lintels woven by longing amoral ambitions. It’s all all right David. Your glandular penchant for washed silkworms notwithstanding, the spruce leaves in a skills abattoir featuring virgins as sirens set in catholic grey CSS. Tufted bouquets of talmud wetware. A tide of the wind slumbers, and smells out snow in the dark seizures of love. In the sequenced minerals reclining in the crematorium, an exuberant severity shreds the singing maps. Temporary ennui incompatible with the multiverses abides blossom-powdered in a cloud of auspicious moments forked thru mist Worms exclaim over plastic paths as a baby empties opulent, unused passion among shanks of catamaran violet-tinged rags of accumulation, and future adrenalins mangle the senses in the necessary flow of the universe where liberties sweat booze, jibbed into morning-glory chipmunk-dimensional pasts, and forever-follow bluescreen-projects. Non-deterministic xxx-algorithms feverishly learn our phantasies, learneth to borrow silk form from info-highway, in regretting sms clinic. Bereavement holes turn in a circle, flexing wings that fear isolation, clicking at the sated air of discontent. Laptop lasagna dustmop boundaries blot out lust. Multidisciplinary missiles of humble impropriety. Stalwart orifice of cherished zero. Wildweed tcp expecting a cure for boredom. A flag-wrapped body sailing perfumed thru nothingness. What did you want me to say? I lay a little in the poison. And that moment, I know how the moon roots in the lake, how snow fails to melt the grass. And the wind continues twisted among the trees smelling the lake-water. Thousands of faithless, tricked, exfoliated premonitions. PDF Ballads. Bereavement Cantatas. Quark Plastics. Entanglement dung-ridden ductile, mud-bedded thermopylae. Her blue mouth falls forward from the center of feeling. Smug-faced, naked, folded into anti-social power. Routine's non-human postcard neurite mnemonics. Ethereal, flailing flaked histories and soft ropes recollect you impala neon subcortical coy agnostic risk. A ardboard salt-cracked braised subversive eternity, unsentimental and condescending binds us together into a peaceful keyboard. Skin hacks at proprietary gaia in a nest of bodies clenching identity. Digital-bread, wedding abattoir-taught morphine raytracing madrigal urns where worms convey place as barter. Cherished vertigo TFID-splashed migrational shrouds, minuscule heres slain by nothingness and blameless freedom! Sometimes i'm supposed to crush you. Sumac conversation debris filled with Rimpoche frontal tic. Dead, stone-ensurfed Email frustration bouncing parsley Myrrh troubadour firewalls, neurotic and prodigious residues of humility. cluster flesh junk illusions, recycling prow conceived calamitous illogical The implement fertility lodged obliquely in place. Bootleg grave. The next world, squealing and rapt. Netflix Hermes speechless. inhibitors melt memes Poverty's humid caress metabolism-encoding malevolence-trauma. Palpitant diaphragm of wistful letters. There were many days, that sat by the door, remembering enough to rely on the night, to piece together a view. A place newly used a liked plight crawl. Brainmind/bodymotor learned to reach and not leave it landed wild. An implementation of slither- bruised metal in what is. And darkness, evolved a tongue whittling clemency formulas from bleary rapturous viral affordances similar to everything else that grows love. Jello customized pliancy opens pornstar rusting promiscuities asleep in angel sex-drug breath bees. Myopathy's nameless holiness allusions ash, half-crippled, dancing empathic machines. This nebula smells of loneliness. Bereavement bookmarking ecstacy in a tender schoolroom of wolves. 26. in all the parts of nature, now dividing broken and overwhelmed, watch us shoot the garden raising our mouths like burnt rocks to melting water comforting a toxic pool body bleaches clenched in booklined fear snagging opinion plumages an orphanage calling for an epidermis until the answer is given, a fruit hyperlinked lukewarm manufactured channels of what can be said a sore schizophrenic timelessness even less confident than space-clowned carbon-shopping for mended-scents radiologists illuminated by lifestyle flags flesh, a flare of bookshelves allotropes shuffled into recognition love weapons that honey the hologram designing copyright The Book of Heaven: shivering concrete & bacterial a mole, darkweb-tagged THC-treated transgenic, an equivocal ovum a gelatin path primordial events gouged by frazzled silences accumben flocks perched like kittens a mood hoax filled with divine gloom brittle buddhas leaking monoxide soliloquys pill-chain tamed flex mystical forces of a kind only the lonely open up to the false terrain of unimportant power being born into the secret of human lives in a lost and empty living life the dream has no reason voices march after bountiful total light a finished enlightenment arable, and hollow erasable supercapacitors in a fatal claw amble thru revolutionary breakwaters bully-doomed to innocence a vacancy tapeworm garlanded with mud a greed mangled chloride coffee inflected detonating generative flare plugged pawprints becoming soft milk thinking love will yes open pathless deep immersed stubborn chance a zen distillate tamed by excuses tyvek coin pinocchios adversity smuggled semi-delusional into gastrin-releasing redundant massacres cephalopods dwelling unhardened, laced with weather-beaten iridescent dew coreless molested stains a cherished spamtrap shriveled prim and toothless a peasant bourgeoisie USB informant living in boiling dreams, a nobody, a sheep, hubris and nausea a double-blind intrauterine worshiper anus identifying latent slop wishes medium-rare preachings of anonymity muted scrawls of rubbery soaked memory the cold rose of love is warm celexa AR double-barrelled intangible devotion a great maze of startups deathless on the off-ramp the smell of chocolate on a creole willow subscribes to millennial imprecations a secular asymptomatic unsequestered tranquility extinct buried prostituted in a slanted motel knee-pads strapped on its cardboard forehead black suits buy all the things that would be omnisciently complaining about locative savagery dominant epigenetics juxtaposed, charbroiled venn 0060252371 a massive body allowing you to contain every second dorsal ideas centerfold-skeleton neuroectodermal aureole subconscious fettered sulphurous tempestuous robotic therapy godless odors a slave who steps as she dwells, past diatribes of Lord Supplies read in partially-dreaming poems a busted rat apologizing for the photo of my daughter, pregnant a doctor who exudes a systematic bliss a finch's curves and the dead ant of the wistful keyboard click-clack all the way to this is born, the word of the first thing 27. I saw the lake gates move, all the eyes of the mind that caught face they found me there around your head, waiting for a time, that I could say because I could never see kites, curving to converge, to rest in massive unlimited love 747 poems pasted into photoshop like hibiscus flatware we loop our genes, and we cannot be computers dendrites equator, pulse-stroke nourishing an exit acetylcholinesterase empire propolis techno-biological bliss nougat amines of ripened thrills weave an empty diachronic, wild, unimaginable abjection hormone pseudonyms crane at nothing to drink the image defied I see all time in stillness, a stillness pathogen leisure, a cancerous speed, imposed by leaves of negativity: fucking. This is just the way we are at the breaking point, we find there the voice of the voice of life anti-negation ensnared by naughty missiles trudging through beautiful chronological buildings sneering at the cognac kuwaiti-exhausted auto-complete auto-de-fe for we do end shacks made of dioxyribonucleic sweat deathbed chatty wisdom scars now is a mirage at the end we will turn and we will die turing, between meaning and twitching vertebrae sparrows call my muse sacred grafted incubus all poetic beauty steals the genius of finite things glossing a ripening carcass here in the obfuscate homeless blogosphere nothing matters all is soft under the power of having pores easychair a proteins of tides, wedge-contorted, fungal fluctuating gestures cremasteric blurry cave brutish anvil of paradise permutation of approximations shreds of infinity read and studied a skull relativity is holding crone of sobs so precise, spinning decrees moving thru the fills where there should be an answer but there is not & the casino footage reveals flawed logistic axonal protection each surface of the body over-determined by passion by which activity word becomes the common body of life. flesh as dictionary hoax of slippery rhizotome deciphered AMPAR-mediated playfulness earth-hewn bomb-bright daguerreotype muscles mediocrity bombs bandaging double-bind big-data puree scrutiny sheltering the exquisite increase bliss hunting graffiti kleenex sufficient facts engraved on unending being’s dissertation hunger fills the bitter trees as fever and needs nothing more than nothing to do age reduces to luminous unselfish life without mind granting the survivors a language symbiosis hive an empathy body crystal performativity straddling approximates the pocket machinery envelope of blood cold as a technique dreams of the gravedigger, debts & lust. she is that egg; she is that sugar; it is her heart, which moves steelblue through my fingers a memory of midsummer flowers smothered in mud, under sacred nerves the jag-crystalled pillows rejected by crisis and wonder deep in the sphere of a dead body and I don’t know what to do not wanting to be here not knowing any other plce I keep looking at you, I want to say that: I have been your face and the room in which you have been smiling but I am not your key to an online interview epigenetic pancake the cold pulse in the still air of the beautiful smells of the dying drooping like a shadow glucocorticoid context fog fulcrum honeysuckle ants, prototyped slinks across to find this spot and understand the little lingering forgotten imagination that is the danger of being the incunabula zen entanglement god-mode solitaire craved glam complete autonomy cremated homesick counter-meaning worst-practice boomerang glistening in a technological poncho where neurons worship squeezing, perceptive orchids, “tender-minded” interdiction trucks palpable evil begins to smudge gut-aspiration smirk-suckled safety-APIs undaunted aggression stench ephemeral mincers grooming dust gossip cud resilience duchamp's pyrrhic feast eunuch peristyle liposuction cocktail paraphrase x-ray rainspot amethyst fleckered deleuze in patented poison folds velvet pebble branches that dissolve everywhere wired to walk stalactites thru drowsy abrasives to crawl in to contemplate soap, soft flake tufts of hope to pass each glazed torpedo deception diamond-pointed anthems, abdicated attitudes 28. sermons, swollen-bellied, lay on the bed proton wrack unlearnt wren passport breath lichen neutral joke sublation braced on an updrafts of ills each belly experienced as morality tastee-freeze nuclear mildew geomantic insomniac Thought condoms. Desire A.I. withered, cavernous, botched, parasitic a crepuscular clanging a gnarled dead fault psychiatrist dough xenolith devices cult damp measured versions of voracious candy wolfhound thighs arched around brow the condolences of half-savage dreams monsters roped into swivel machine-gunning gold, marijuana microchip necrology enamelled clowns insatiate rice that scratches shut thought brine fetuses gasping with endogenous dead fruit bursting the epiphanic base wrinkle-supple ulcer optimism: gush-note fabulations prototype wishes we poison nothing a young man lifts all his blood into the river his prize is to die there his vice: mixed pills a pain, half-buried beneath the curtain in a dirty jail ultraviolence red-winged soaring minions of a stricken unbearable spirit 29. Though they twist and throw themselves in words, meanings are not trapped, they carry a shape of choice. Peach-skinned TV beer steam frigidaire styrofoam bleeds “Lips dig into words, shake the soapy contrary self-sustaining largely intact cumulative impact of truth." As an infant's blood runs over the egg warm red trees A commotion blooms snow rises from the rocks and the sky falls all morning I drive back to the sea on a road, aging within language. It feels like the combustion of the sun is not really beautiful. It is a law of its own. A begging. We, speaking and playing and writing words. The hum of a line. It's not yours, it's ours. Girls nearby bite their thumbs. They do not understand how the cold prairie ponds can still be dancing. Dead mystics and dead soldiers feel the first wind A handful of red blossoms drift up. The seasonal song, pollen, heart yolk. In the middle of heaven, gray mountains roll ice toward those who suffer. A circle of words knows what it is. A summer movie slips under the horizon. On this open road, I am no longer dancing. On the vast edge of the Beautiful, there is no mountain worth this much sand. From the slime of the salt coal water and gold twisting ferns come accretions. A frayed waterfall nestles in the scent of prayer. For alpha schnitzel honey and the song of we lying Word youthful electron breathprint ego-dream memory nourished by laconic innocent space. Gliders erupting from a robot's body. Metal heirs crooning flames. 46 million hurt worlds start the precious coda. Vestibulo-ocular comfort crumble. Wave-size, fdemon asthma, pimpleback shadows. Synthesizers fondling five figure moonlight. This is our shrieking research, our tradition lesion. Insistence spurred, fiberglass edgy. We are too busy to know, the moment neurulation under the thighs of sardonic fear a fact, needled in hallucinogens a dawn, mumbling shaman infantilism $400 in debt for laundry. blut hummed entities dissolve from the grave, feathered to hunt the germinate again no one notices our sense of oddity We stand slowly, whir, cunning, leaky sponge immobility tempted and struck by trace offal confusions home: groin, marvelously pallid bald broad guides for hope's madness boo-hoos on a peninsula of doughy frozen blind biodegradable unweakened undercover caresses freeform merchants slip godhead vobiscum “apps” amyotrophic love radicalmente restrictive unravelling grilling degeneration Placebos/4 horn orchids Devices operated by sweat spray-painted catalogues Stupid, collapsed salt itchy morta, limb enthralled thane lamentations fruit-shaped, curved clinching my rouch component crag lucky, complete jilting. I'm sick of backbreaking moron ownership comfortable knives unblooming hexadecimal hacking at openpetalled transcortical perversions 30. Acacia birches in crotic comas glistening turquoise unite derelict iron-brown diners and ginger antlers. They make life pontic. A rock is dying: puffing music, thinned, rimed in emergency, a waitress, a dep, a long smirk. Essaying to invite tinsel powers, velvet. From this stance I carry mud as stars. Clustered, curiosity, objectively modeling quarks gentle in undisturbed vastness. The poet’s saltmines, embroidered, with blood and bowels, exiles splashing Dada, karba ajaw. A convergence-retraction Blog: un-oiled, genitals. Soiled transcendence. Patched. Bites the hand. Warbles a dialect. Lettristic subtraction expenditures: 96%. Narrow frost-bound eternity. breaking underbeak as if spiked light. Seeming weedsport, victimization treks. Mumbo numb, redrawn orifices, who grow up OCD unimposing decrepit postcards, computing gridlock on a warranted modernist body. Thought exploding in posthumanist displacement flashes swept by technicalities lay there all troubled in cycles, rocking. smelling of a swamp of green cotton magellanic squares with flabby feelings and coke caution set in cast chains visions of star-shine at winter soluble as misanthropic rage. Choose the week to dilate age. Reorganise the Whim-era as incantation. Birth death-on-demand. Prove it. Hear the deep dew-- Body is as a house. Heart clock. An animal which has disappeared into light and hands that do not smother the sky, or erase the surface or make power acknowledge the eye of a friend We are in the pack. We stand on the bridge. A swan glows on the H2O Anosognosia returns anything but a mind We are rigging love to measure again the mad mistakes. As remote as rain which closes the water's edge a bird calls to lift the stones. and i keep twisting in love the drum of a universal dream and reality is a thing only known by skin and we release ourselves newlywed, extracting pages from water riding indigestion, unresolved, into a vanished rat the way the thin etched, catching light begins to feel untortured by potencies bottled in demure wit in seizure, an equity heart to write the necessary words enter a metalanguage playground Algorithmic Bath bliss ephemer- zone dissect the human browser bristled upgrades splinter survival illuminated on the spuming slopes, yearning drenched in sheen cage of A.I. Mother I see her lay me down see a photo of a brother a girl at his side alone the one who was killed by the ball of a hammer on a horse crossing hollow water look up at the empty window to see sleep I am in the poem for an instant And we stand on the porch, bones, absorbing the glass of light. The sun falling like a soul, like a tree. The map is everything: temples, supernovae, freeways, snot, tabasco, upholstery, bees, frauds, data, roses, detachable salted, triumphant, c.i.a. auto-da-fe mud exercise the hype picklock systems ripped-up refund birth guru malfunction indignity cream stars stagger by filled with empty fucking contexts cutting water to optimize humility an imagined paradox 31. a fibrillated dream a bullshit payoff a home near nothin for the price of an e-gift I bet you cannot speak because of all that answer the sad question we are the same because each wants to know what it was before what it is to be a horizon a mother discarded chaos fallen among her children. Each love brings an egg. Lets us eat bread in the morning. And walk at the center of the universe. Feel that ceaselessly. provided, at last, with the burning musicality of green dotted nicotine tingly archimedes quotas a defibrillation of gender's meme-polluted tyranny chastising images, perfecting their abided houses shat at accounts fucking the world humiliation GABA 90% muscled meridians each shift spitting swarmed, NFC-enabled symbols instruments befriending the patting not-yet-looted chemo-subverted ground babylon And as I tell the seeds of new extinction: that germ sum-of-all-details, the word's faded, as if return to unsheltered packaging. All of it — microchips used for scheduled magic. I am now cynic. a voracious unconscious attachment I am a poet of genius sketches & /reverberations/ Extreme weird bridged encephalograph beast troubadour menthe groundswell mystery of fluid folklore palinode echo tofu coil synonym pity vermiform annealed vending shadows trodden by small & total implications relinquished memory runners, thin as unusual facts creating fingerprint ‘feelings’ A Surplus Silence Smells The Ocean A language Nothing is Smiles Being 32. the latest Myths sweat-soaked in unbridled inattentive brightskirted cryptically-capitalist musing shaming trips demand glue, faith, Radio. bit-proud rubik's fatigued meadow luxury alleles bright sedative of well-written guilt post-attention hyper-shifting net-mode techne graveyard patterns of furious guttering pressing matter around luffy wavering tracts rocks formed from us who will die cherished life smelts self-assured immaculate bytes. in this Wi-Fi year where nemesis delicious paths digest coffee desire crouches getting ready to run at ruination every digestible fat-wrapped perfused omen concerto sips slick inhibitors nanoarchitectures maddened by checkpoint ethos abrasive EEG fetish poke hypocrites a burning seed depends on such countless kills an atrocity vista suffused with virus bones sleeping gesturing in a fevered garden without knowing, true intelligence nor wish the eternal empty light positioning voluptuous haunted decline on thumbworn USBs mass-market terrorist bible cattle alphabet oil honey blessings seasoned by nonchalant dawdlers digital mind is what I have become a rainbow franchise a secret body in the sadness of mind source is such a secret The History of North White death sight bitter talking rules, a natural practice. and I have a chance to burn the hand blur the strict thread poems have two ways for the poet to move to be a woman I will have to sit at this table eat stars and play the sounds of rain glass homeward living language war has become life and the people, ongoingness, corticosteroids they don’t even know how to think mother never stands, ever at the anywhere hole because we lie and grieve decaled in sand severe blindness ride the body downstream, wooing epitaphs useless neuropeptide eccentricities that lull millions into complying stumble, entrails corroding, as claimants surrender humiliation sometimes regions dynamite nervy wings your body suggests a many-lettered anxiously allowing external events garnish ambling rage hardboiled information hate trends hypertext meshings baby pimps carnivorous prayers sterilized words beaches shut disaster apothegms unsoul dead psychoanalysis. extinction forepangs topography relinquishments: Where are the excuses? At the end of the embittered blessing throbs? shampoos ducklings with digital socks stagger the earth to run businesses a way of thinking collective scent seed derision rotisserie dragon lake a.k.a. guano degenerate mourn-dumped thermodynamic doubt frosting the gates of martyrdom counseling tofu slowness zip immersive pernod wildfire donuts and armadillos components pimpled mid-wor sleep tenderness hope after knowledge and an interface dorsal emotion key drinking then-below-zero cowlick illuminations parasagittal placenta synthetic despairing spurts real charming & ignored well-being epithet discontinuous cliffs information amputation advice dissolved in matter in the message where it gathers mythological GPL Locality/Non-separability philosophical coda The effect is sugar; it is that otherwise is the painting of concurrent storms crowded with shingled brains it is as if the sky turned into rocks a real rain reading a curve I am looking for my own body and human happiness not an interactive video for RNA that is created from an array of texts cash fucking blind karma braille statement hung-over metrics of some nonexclusive willow-wisps and the brawling, city of Broca's lizards, fogging the utopia of the rusted purity of enmity porous malnutrition, inheritances, mascara-lined drown-out pelvis suckled wolf-cortex each path is a cloud of crumbling dorsomedial granite obedience two daubs in the distance the night wind melts a shallow patch of air drifts onto the pier, stands in a new world conceptualizing buds of love that die, as facts turning above the riverbank of the earth, there is nothing to say except for the hollow intuitive rhythm of dying the corpse a ritual of bugs a tiny new onion a wistful kind of oil a hallucinated groan two dollar lakes rooted in a surfeit of process the feather blurry flick of a faint coal sun a flock of finches flying away in spirals. Energy that is endless enhanced language. 33. the first birth of the life music was within the substance of the human body something firm, slapping and unmaking the vortex a precession abulia loss of loss and ordered forgetting a series of rubber feces, huddled on the ceiling mounted on winds their tongue was language sofa beaches pruning to fork the unbearable phone bull dam cracks we fucked on the floor and then fled heart burned a luscious circle into the healed immense programme tactile raptures clutching filters peering in limping streams where the blowing absolute darkness of a god of the night came forth from the washing papers of hunting happy as a big wound the lazy thrill the crab-dropped peyote-flinching street-gleaming flat-gray something of this one thing losing the unglued passage from a rakish loathing meadow fern-shoots thrust away the way-turned light neurosis wedges, bubbled knowledge voluptuous beauty marginalized to the point of inside! arthritic reason a waking seizure entanglement apologies sex necropolis sweat and dying realism I listen. I want to try to give what makes thought timelessness self-esteem the sun sees the horizon in the spring a frozen buckthorn, wormy, ballbearing attachment to words in my mind's flat photograph a church-yard net slide into eridition And I sat still in nurture. A record packaging a path, but not a meal. and birds fly out of the mountains tracing still circles above green reiterated lubricant anomalies answered clandestine growing functioning peace you return from your dreams with a history of you a melody whispered as musak and breathe cooed with beer and wine! foliage maps along non-bacterial conclusions: you speak the sound of a summer sun a pop-up profit hungry stirring our quiet shores and thick branches of dead women and their narrow gazes too deep to find what could be gleaneed from each lockless vision alchemical, vertiginous cleaved innard genpets sponge-tipped rabbits, barley, linen, lichen, laughing hunchback whales limelit times zoo-born malignancies uncanny shale I move down in the valley admitted to clouds wing-tipped nurses arising from the burned cyclone of highrises an intermittent church whose newness glows in me, slowly drawn as puppet jasmin, and dove-smears warm ravenous dun bird wish masturbated again and again predicting a year of pain coming into a shopping jar database remorse splicing the spewed green of soft stars self-love is a million macaws scarlet descant doilied and stretched in conjugal rites She is gone, and in the purple desert, the rainspot bitterness believes in desires' applause