This website is an ongoing process of documenting the references discovered during a doctoral directed-research course at Concordia University into the evolution of digital poetry .
A vast majority of the early references are indebted to the elegant and thorough scholarship of C.T. Funkhouser’s (2007) Prehistoric Digital Poetry
The website is being created by David Jhave Johnston of a multimedia-poet and doctoral student at Concordia University. He has been involved in numerous collaborative and solo digital and in-situ art practises (working with among others: Teletaxi, Champ Libre, [SAT], Bioteknica,, Ollivier Dyens, ActiveText, Symbiosis, Zoi…). His work has been exhibited at 2 new media Biennales: Montreal ‘03 & Toronto ‘04. His current home site is . He curates
The research is directed by Ollivier Dyens, poet and author of Metal and Flesh (MIT, 2001) and La condition inhumaine : Essai sur l’effroi technologique (Flammarion, 2008). He is currently Dean of the Département d’Études Françaises at Concordia University.
Official Course Description:HUMA 859H New Media overview with an emphasis on digital poetry.